Revelation, 19 January 1841, Extract, as Published in Times and Seasons [D&C 124:1–110]
Source Note
Revelation, [, Hancock Co., IL], 19 Jan. 1841. Extract published in Times and Seasons, 1 June 1841, 2:424–429. For more complete source information, see the source note for Letter to Isaac Galland, 22 Mar. 1839.
own works, bring cursings, wrath, indignation, and judgment upon your own heads by your follies, and by all your abominiations, which you practise before me saith the Lord.
Verily, verily I say unto you, that when I give a commandment unto any of the sons of men, to do a work unto my name, and those sons of men go with all their mights, and with all they have, to perform that work, and cease not their dilligence, and their enemies come upon them, and hinder them from performing that work, behold, it behooveth me to require that work no more at the hands of those sons of men, but to accept of their offerings; and the iniquity and transgression of my holy laws and commandments, I will visit upon the heads of those who hindered my work, unto the third and fourth generation, so long as they repent not, and hate me saith the Lord God. Therefore, for this cause have I accepted the offerings of those men whom I commanded to build up a city and a unto my name in , Missouri, and were hindered by their enemies, saith the Lord your God: and I will answer judgment:, wrath, indignation, wailing, anguish and gnashing of teeth, upon their heads, unto the third and fourth generation, so long as they repent not, and hate me saith the Lord your God. And this I make an ensample unto you, for your consolation, concerning all those who have been commanded to do a work, and have been hindered by the hands of their enemies, and by oppression, saith the Lord your God; for I am the Lord your God, and will save all those of your bretheren, who have been pure in heart, and have been slain in the land of saith the Lord.
And again, verily I say unto you, I command you again to build a to my name, even in this place, that ye may prove yourselves unto me, that ye are faithful in all things whatsoever I command you, that I may bless you, and crown you with honor, immortality and eternal life
And now, I say unto you, as pertaining to my , which I have commanded you to build for the boarding of strangers; let it be built unto my name, and let my name be named upon it, and let my servant Joseph and his house have place therein from generation to generation. For this annointing have I put upon his head, that his blessing shall also be put upon the heads of his posterity after him, and as I said unto Abraham, concerning the kindreds of the earth, even so, I say unto my servant Joseph, in thee, and in thy seed, shall the kindreds of the earth be blessed.
Therefore, let my servant Joseph and his seed after him, have place in that from generation to generation, for ever and ever saith the Lord, and let the name of that house be called the , and let it be a delightful habitation for man, and a resting place for the weary traveller, that he may contemplate the glory of , and the glory of this the corner stone thereof; that he may receive, also, the council from those whom I have set to be as plants of renown, and as watchmen upon her walls.
Behold! verily I say unto you, let my servant , and my servant , and my servant , and my servant , organize themselves, and appoint one of them to be a president over their quorum for the purpose of building that .
And again, verily I say unto you, if my servant , and my servant , and my servant , and my servant , receive any stock into their hands, in monies or in properties, wherein they receive the real value of monies, they shall not appropriate any portion of that stock to any other purpose, only in that ; and if they do appropriate any portion of that stock, any where else, only in that , without the consent of the stockholders, and do not repay four fold, they shall be accursed, and shall be removed out of their place saith the Lord God, for I the Lord am God, and cannot be mocked in any of these things.
Let my servant lift up his voice long and loud in the midst of the people, to plead the cause of the poor and needy, and let him not fail neither let his heart faint, and I will accept of his offrings, for they shall not be unto me as the offerings of Cain, for he shall be mine saith the Lord. Let his family rejoice and turn away their [p. 427]