Revelation, 27–28 December 1832, Extract, as Recorded in Gilbert, Notebook [D&C 88:1–124]
Source Note
Revelation, , Geauga Co., OH, 27–[28] Dec. 1832. Extract copied [between ca. 28 Dec. 1832 and 12 June 1833] in Gilbert, Notebook, [81]–[107]; handwriting of ; Revelations Collection, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Revelation, 27 Feb. 1833 [D&C 89].
but seeketh to become a law unto itself & willeth to abide in sin & altogether abideth in sin cannot be sanctified by law, neither of mercy, justice or judgement, therefore they must remain filthy still, all kingdoms have a law given & there are may kingdoms, for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom & there is no kingdom in which there is no space either a greater or lesser kingdom & unto every kingdom is given a law & unto every law there are certain bounds also & conditions, all beings who abide not in those conditions are not justified for intelligence cleaveth unto intelligences, wisdom receiveth wisdom, truth embraceth truth, virtue loveth virtue, Light cleaveth unto light, mercy hath compassion on mercy & claimeth her own Justice continueth its course [p. [87]]