Revelation, 8 July 1838–A, as Recorded in Woodruff, Book of Revelations [D&C 118]
Source Note
Revelation, , Caldwell Co., MO, 8 July 1838. Version copied [between ca. June and ca. 8 Aug. 1839] in Woodruff, Book of Revelations, [9]–[10]; handwriting of ; CHL.
Revelation given July 8th in Caldwell County Missouri
Show unto us thy Will O Lord concerning The
Ans— Verily Thus Saith the Lord let a conference be held immediately, let the Twelve be organized & let men be appointed to supply the place of those who are fallen. Let my servant remain for a season in the land for a of season to publish my word. let the residue continue to preach from that hour, and if they will do this in all lowliness of heart in meekness & humility & long suffering I the Lord god give unto them a promise that I will provide for their families & an affectual— [p. [9]]