Rules of Order for Nauvoo City Council, 22 January 1842
Source Note
, Rules of Order, for Nauvoo City Council, , Hancock Co., IL, 22 Jan. 1842; handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; eight pages with an inserted slip; Nauvoo, IL, Records, 1841–1845, CHL.
nays, likewise, may be taken on the call of any four members.
5th. The Mayor shall have a right to vote upon all occasions; and when his vote renders the division equal, the question shall be lost.
6th. The Mayor shall sign his name to all acts, addresses, and resolutions, of the council.
Of the Vice-Mayor.
7th. The council shall elect a Vice-Mayor, to serve as President pro tempore, who shall preside during the absence of the Mayor, and who shall be chosen by ballot— and a majority of the votes of the members present shall be necessary to a choice.
8th. If at any meeting when a majority shall be assembled, neither the Mayor, nor the President pro tempore, shall be present, the council shall proceed to the election of a President for that meeting.
Of the Recorder.
9th.WhentheMayorshallhavetakenthechair, and 9th. The Recorder shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the council, and shall enter therein whatever a majority of the members shall order; and, in all cases, the yeas and nays, or dissent of any members, when required to do so.
10th. The Recorder shall read whatever is laid before the council for the consideration of the members, and shall counter-sign every act, address, or resolution, passed by the council, noting the date of its passage.
11th. When the yeas and nays are called upon any question, the Recorder shall read over distinctly, first, the names of the members who voted in the affirmative; and next, the names of those who voted in the negative.