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Robinson, Angelina (Angeline) Eliza Works


22 Aug. 1814–8 Apr. 1880. Schoolteacher. Born at Aurelius, Cayuga Co., New York. Daughter of Asa Works and Abigail Marks. Sister of Brigham Young’s first wife, Miriam Works Young. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. Married Ebenezer Robinson, 13 Dec. 1835, at Kirtland. Stockholder in Kirtland Safety Society. Moved to Far West, Caldwell Co., Missouri, 1837. Lived at Commerce (later Nauvoo), Hancock Co., Illinois, 1839. Joined with Sidney Rigdon at Pittsburgh following death of JS, 1844. Lived at Greencastle, Franklin Co., Pennsylvania, 1846–1855. Moved to Decatur Co., Iowa, 1855. Affiliated with Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, ca. 1863. Died near Pleasanton, Decatur Co.


Alternate Names

Works, Angelina (Angeline) Eliza