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Nickerson, Freeman
5 Feb. 1779–22 Jan. 1847. Seaman. Born at South Dennis, Barnstable Co., Massachusetts. Son of Eleazer Nickerson and Thankful Chase. Moved to Cavendish, Windsor Co., Vermont, 1800. Married Huldah Chapman, 19 Jan. 1801, at Cavendish. Served as officer in Vermont infantry in War of 1812. Located near Dayton, Cattaraugus Co., New York, mid-1820s. Living in Perrysburg, Cattaraugus Co., in 1830. Baptized by Zerubbabel Snow, Apr. 1833, near Dayton; ordained a deacon by Edmund Fisher soon after. Visited JS, Sept. 1833, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio, and persuaded JS and Sidney Rigdon to accompany him to Mount Pleasant, Brantford Township, Wentworth Co., Gore District (later in Brant Co., Ontario), Upper Canada, to proselytize among his children. Ordained an elder, by 1834. Along with two sons, Uriel and Levi, participated in Camp of Israel expedition to Missouri, 1834. Served mission to Massachusetts, 1835–1836. Journeyed to Missouri, 1839, only to find that Latter-day Saints had been driven out. Located at Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, 1839, and then at Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Nov. 1840. Served mission to Vermont and Massachusetts, 1841–1844. Served missions to eastern states and Canada, 1844 and 1846. Left Nauvoo for the West during Latter-day Saint exodus, Sept. 1846. Died at Chariton River, Iowa.
- History, 1838–1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805–30 August 1834]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842]
- Times and Seasons, 1 July 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 February 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 June 1842
- Times and Seasons, 16 May 1842
- Times and Seasons , 2 May 1842
- Account with the Church of Christ, circa 11–29 August 1834
- F. G. Williams & Co. Account Book, October 1833–November 1835
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]
- Journal, 1832–1834
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 4, 1 March–22 June 1844
- Letter from Eli Maginn, 1 and 3 May 1842
- Letter from Eli Maginn, 22 March 1842
- Letter from Erastus Snow, 22 June 1842
- Letter from Orson Hyde, 28 September 1840
- Letter to Abijah R. Tewksbury, 4 June 1844
- Letter to Moses Nickerson, 19 November 1833
- Letter to Orson Hyde, 7 April 1834
- Letter, Erastus Snow to Hyrum Smith and William Law, 4 February 1842
- Letterbook 1
- License Record Book
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, 28 November 1843
- Minute Book 1
- Minutes, 17 March 1834
- Petition from George B. Wallace and Others and Letter from John E. Page, 30 October 1843
- Resolutions of the Boston Conference, 12 March 1843
- Revelation, 12 October 1833 [D&C 100]
- Gender
- Male