Interim Content
Smith, Mary Fielding
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842]
- Elders’ Journal, October 1837
- Times and Seasons, 15 August 1842
- Account of Trial, 24–28 May 1845–A [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Appendix 2, Document 3. Stick of Joseph, 1844
- Deed from Hyrum and Mary Fielding Smith, 18 January 1842
- Deed from Hyrum and Mary Fielding Smith, 24 August 1843
- Deed to Mary Fielding Smith, 15 March 1843
- Deed to Smith Tuttle, John Gillet, and Horace Hotchkiss, 7 July 1843
- Discourse, 29 July 1838
- Docket Entry, 1–circa 6 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Docket Entry, Nonsuit, 23 October 1845 [ Babbitt Guardian of James Lawrence et al. v. William Law et al. ]
- Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account
- Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account, Draft
- History Draft [1 March–31 December 1843]
- History Draft [1 January–3 March 1843]
- History Draft [21 June–8 August 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843]
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]
- Hyrum Smith, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Introduction to City of Nauvoo v. Bostwick, Bostwick v. JS and Greene, and Bostwick v. JS
- Introduction to JS Guardian of Maria Lawrence et al., Babbitt Guardian of James Lawrence et al. v. William Law et al., and Maria Lawrence et al. v. Coolidge Administrator of the Estate of JS
- Isaac S. Sanders and Others, Answer, 21 November 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 3, 15 July 1843–29 February 1844
- Letter from Don Carlos Smith and William Smith, 6 March 1839
- Letter from Don Carlos and Agnes Coolbrith Smith, 11 April 1839
- Letter from Edward Partridge, 5 March 1839
- Letter from Newel K. Whitney, 20 April 1837
- Letter from Sidney Rigdon, 10 April 1839
- Letter to Edward Partridge and the Church, circa 22 March 1839
- Letter to Emma Smith, 21 March 1839
- Letter to Emma Smith, 4 April 1839
- Letter to the Church and Edward Partridge, 20 March 1839
- Letterbook 2
- License for Stephen Abbott, circa 6 April 1841
- List of Nauvoo Bonds and Deeds, 1842–1846
- Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1844–1845
- Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1845
- Marriage License and Certificate for Arthur Millikin and Lucy Smith, 3 June 1840
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock
- Minutes, 17 September 1837–B
- Minutes, 3 September 1837
- Miscellaneous Notes [25–28 June 1844, 1843]
- Nauvoo Registry of Deeds, Deed Record Book A, 1840–1843
- Nauvoo Registry of Deeds, Deed Record Book B, 1843–1846
- Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book
- Parley P. Pratt, History of the Late Persecution, 1839
- Praecipe, 1 September 1845 [ Babbitt Guardian of James Lawrence et al. v. William Law et al. ]
- Promissory Note to Jason Brunell, 14 September 1837
- Recommendation for Heber C. Kimball, between 2 and 13 June 1837
- Revelation, 11 April 1838 [D&C 114]
- Revelation, 12 January 1838–C
- Revelation, 12 July 1843 [D&C 132]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837 [D&C 112]
- Summons, 1 September 1845 [ Babbitt Guardian of James Lawrence et al. v. William Law et al. ]
- The Book of the Law of the Lord, Book A
- The Book of the Law of the Lord, Book B
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 17 July 1852 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Trial Report, 8–26 July 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Gender
- Female
- Alternate Names
Fielding, Mary