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  • Smith, Jerome V. C. “The Fire King.” Scientific Tracts and Family Lyceum 1 (15 May 1834): 319.

  • Smith, Jesse Nathaniel. Autobiography and Journal, 1855-1906. CHL. MS 1489, fd. 1.

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  • Smith, Jonathan K. T., comp. Federally Approved Southern Claims for Tennessee, 1873–1889, and Marriage Announcements: Jackson, Tennessee Newspapers, 1824–1833. Jackson, TN: No publisher, 1996.

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  • Smith, Joseph, and Emma Smith. Indenture to Henry W. Miller, Nauvoo, IL, 6 Sept. 1841. Private possession. Copy at CHL.

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  • Smith, Joseph, and Mark Aldrich. Articles of Agreement, Hancock Co., IL, 16 Aug. 1841. Private possession.

  • Smith, Joseph, as trustee-in-trust. Deed, Nauvoo, IL, to Eliza Partridge, Emily Partridge, Caroline Partridge, Lydia Partridge, and Edward Partridge Jr., 10 Feb. 1843. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph, as trustee-in-trust. Deed, Nauvoo, IL, to Lydia Granger, 15 Mar. 1843. Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Bond, 19 Mar. 1840. CHL. MS 10067.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Letter, Kirtland OH, to Ariel Hanson, Kirtland, OH, 7 Nov. 1836. Lake County Historical Society, Painesville, OH.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Letter, Kirtland, OH, to “Dearly Beloved Brethren,” Geneseo, NY, 23 Nov. 1833. CHL. MS 3414.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Memorial to U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, 27 Jan. 1840, in Records of the U.S. Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Records, 1816–1982, Record Group 46, National Archives, Washington DC.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Memorial to U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, 28 Nov. 1843. In Records of the U.S. Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Records, 1816–1982. National Archives, Washington DC.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Promissory Note to Halsted, Haines & Co., 1 Sept. 1837. Private possession. Copy in editors’ possession.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Promissory Note to Holbrook & Firme, 1 Sept. 1837. BYU.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Promissory Note to Holbrook & Firme, 1 Sept. 1837. Joseph Smith Papers, 1837– 1838. Ohio Historical Society Archives/Library, Columbus.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al. Promissory Note, Kirtland, OH, to Holbrook & Ferme, 1 Sept. 1837. Photocopy. CHL. MS 20064.

  • Smith, Joseph, et al., Memorial to U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, 28 Nov. 1843. Record Group 46, Records of the U.S. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary, Committee Papers, 1816–2011. Petitions and Memorials Referred to the Judiciary Committee Relating to Various Subjects in the 28th Congress, ca. Dec. 1843–ca. Mar. 1845. National Archives, Washington DC.

  • Smith, Joseph, III. “What Do I Remember of Nauvoo?” Journal of History 3, no. 2 (Apr. 1910): 132–148.

  • Smith, Joseph, III. Letter, Lamoni, IA, to “Dear Sirs,” Keokuk, IA, 1 July 1901. Photocopy. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph, III. Letter, Nauvoo, IL, to Emma Knight, Fulton, IL, 16 May 1856. Miscellaneous Letters and Papers. CCLA.

  • Smith, Joseph, Sidney Rigdon, and Hyrum Smith. Bond to John Tidwell, Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL, 20 Jan. 1840. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith, and Elias Higbee. Authorization for Oliver Granger, Quincy, IL, 1 Nov. 1839. Photocopy. CHL. Original in private possession.

  • Smith, Joseph. “Schedule of Debts,” ca. 4–6 Oct. 1843. CCLA.

  • Smith, Joseph. Appointment letter for Oliver Granger, Quincy, IL, 6 May 1839. Private possession. Copy in CHL. MS 18980.

  • Smith, Joseph. Authorization, Nauvoo, IL, to Samuel Eggleston, 26 Sept. 1842. Private possession.

  • Smith, Joseph. Certificate to Martha Nelson Goforth, 9 Apr. 1844. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph. Certificate, to Oliver Granger, 6 May 1839. Private possession. Copy at CHL. MS 18980.

  • Smith, Joseph. Collection, 1827–1846. CHL; JS Office Papers / Joseph Smith Office Papers, ca. 1835–1845. CHL. MS 21600.

  • Smith, Joseph. Collection, 1827–1846. CHL. MS 155.

  • Smith, Joseph. Daybook, 1842–1844. Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids. Microfilm copy at CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph. Daybook, 1842–1844. Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids. Microfilm copy at CHL. MS 8461.

  • Smith, Joseph. Deed, Nauvoo, IL, to Mercy Fielding Thompson, 28 Apr. 1842. International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Pioneer Memorial Museum, Salt Lake City.

  • Smith, Joseph. Evidence Taken on the Trial of Mr. Smith, before the Municipal Court of Nauvoo, On Saturday, July 1, 1843. Respecting the Late Persecution of the Latter Day Saints, in the State of Missouri, North America. Nauvoo, IL: Taylor and Woodruff, [1843].

  • Smith, Joseph. General Joseph Smith’s Appeal to the Green Mountain Boys, December 1843. Nauvoo, IL: Taylor and Woodruff, 1843.

  • Smith, Joseph. General Smith’s Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States. Nauvoo, IL: John Taylor, 1844.

  • Smith, Joseph. Indenture to Lydia Dibble Granger, Hancock Co., IL, 15 Mar. 1843. Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

  • Smith, Joseph. Letter to the Editor of Register and Examiner, Brandywine, PA, 22 Jan. 1840. Photocopy, ca. 1983. Copy in editors’ possession.

  • Smith, Joseph. Letter to the Editor of Register and Examiner, Brandywine, PA, 22 Jan. 1840. Photocopy, not after 1982. Copy in editors’ possession.

  • Smith, Joseph. Letter, Liberty, MO, to Emma Smith, Far West, MO, 1 Dec. 1838. CHL. MS 2865.

  • Smith, Joseph. Letter, Liberty, MO, to the Church and Edward Partridge, Quincy, IL, 20–25 Mar. 1839. Copy. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph. Letter, Nauvoo, IL, to Edward Johnston, Fort Madison, Iowa Territory, 23 June 1844. Private possession. Copy at CHL. MS 17391.

  • Smith, Joseph. Letter, Nauvoo, IL, to James Arlington Bennet, Arlington House, Long Island, NY, 30 June 1842. CHL. MS 20234.

  • Smith, Joseph. Letter, Nauvoo, IL, to Newel K. Whitney and Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney, 18 Aug. 1842. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph. Letter, Richmond, IN, to Emma Smith, Kirtland Mills, OH, 19 May 1834. CCLA.

  • Smith, Joseph. Materials, 1832–1844, 1883. CCLA.

  • Smith, Joseph. Memorial to U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, 26 Mar. 1844. Petitions and Memorials Referred to the Judiciary Committee on Foreign Relations relating to the Annexation of Texas in the 28th Congress, ca. Dec. 1843–ca. Mar. 1845. Anson McCook, Collection of Presidential Signatures, 1789–1975. Record Group 46, Records of the U.S. Senate, 1789–2015. National Archives, Washington DC. Also available at

  • Smith, Joseph. Nauvoo Store Daybook, Jan.–July 1842. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph. Notation, 12 June 1842. Photomechanical copy. CHL. MS 6448.

  • Smith, Joseph. Papers, 1833–1854. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph. Papers. Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, OH.

  • Smith, Joseph. Power of Attorney, to Isaac Galland and Hyrum Smith, Hancock Co., IL, 1 Feb. 1841. Private possession. Copy at CHL. MS 27082.

  • Smith, Joseph. Promissory Note to Mead, Stafford & Co., 11 July 1837. Copy. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph. Promissory Note, Nauvoo, IL, to Joshua Moore, 2 May 1844. Photocopy. CHL.

  • Smith, Joseph. Receipts and Accounts, 1838–1840. CHL.

  • Smith, Lee Davis. “A Settlement of Great Consequence: The Development of the Natchez District, 1763–1860.” Master’s thesis, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 2004.

  • Smith, Leonard H., Jr. Early Marriages of Vienna, Maine, 1802–1828. Clearwater, FL: Owl Books, 1983.

  • Smith, Lucy Mack. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations. Liverpool: S. W. Richards, 1853.

  • Smith, Lucy Mack. History, 1844–1845. 18 books. CHL. MS 2049. Also available at

  • Smith, Lucy Mack. History, 1845. CHL. MS 2049. Also available at

  • Smith, Lucy Mack. Letter, Nauvoo, IL, to William Smith, 23 Jan. 1845. CHL.

  • Smith, Lucy Mack. Letter, Waterloo, NY, to Solomon Mack, Gilsum, NH, 6 Jan. 1831. CHL. MS 3468.

  • Smith, Marjorie. “The Illinois Military Tract.” In War of 1812 Bounty Lands in Illinois, xi–xv. Thomson, Illinois: Heritage House, 1977.

  • Smith, Mark E., with Corey Rushton and Annastasia Hirt. Images of America: Salt Lake City Cemetery. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2018.

  • Smith, Mary Fielding. Collection, ca. 1832–1848. CHL.

  • Smith, Mary Fielding. Collection, ca. 1832–1848. CHL. MS 2779.

  • Smith, Michael E. The Aztecs. 3rd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2012.

  • Smith, Moses. Letter, Iowa City, Iowa Territory, to William Sayers, Illinois City, IL, 26 Dec. 1844. CHL.

  • Smith, Mrs. Edwin P., and Mrs. Ryland Hewitt. Some Chenango County Vital Records Before 1880. 2 vols. By the authors, 1966.

  • Smith, Ophia D. “The Rise of the New Jerusalem Church in Ohio.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 61, no. 4 (Oct. 1952): 380–409.

  • Smith, Ramona Y. Forebearers of Julia Brown and John Heber Yearsley. [n.p. : R.Y. Smith, 1981?].

  • Smith, Richard G., camp. Early Land Records of Wayne County, Ohio, Including U. S. Patent Land Grants, Deed Records, Tax Lists up to 1820, and Records of the Sale of School Lands by the State of Ohio. . . . Wooster, OH: Wayne County Genealogical Society, 1988.

  • Smith, Richard Penn. “The Old Maid’s Legacy.” Lady’s Book 13 (July 1836): 7–17.

  • Smith, Robert Pearsall. Map of Geauga and Lake Counties, Ohio. Philadelphia: S. H. Matthews, [1857]. Copy at the Library of Congress.

  • Smith, Samuel. Diary, Feb. 1832–May 1833. CHL. MS 4213.

  • Smith, Silas S. Autobiographical Sketch, ca. 1900. CHL.

  • Smith, Simon C. British Imperialism, 1750–1970. Cambridge Perspectives in History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

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