Interim Content

Plan of salvation


The divine plan for bringing about the immortality and eternal life of humankind. Also known in the Book of Mormon as the “plan of redemption,” the “great plan of happiness,” and the “plan of mercy.” According to the Book of Mormon, this plan involves a Savior coming to the earth to reclaim humankind from its fallen state. JS and other early Latter-day Saints taught that following the plan of salvation requires faith, repentance, and good works, as well as ordinances such as baptism and the conferral of the Holy Ghost. JS and other elders of the church also taught that prior to the creation of the earth, the premortal spirits of humankind accepted the plan of salvation, with mortality providing an opportunity to prepare for eternal life in the celestial kingdom. According to JS and other church leaders, the plan of salvation taught by Jesus Christ could only be revealed through the keys of the holy priesthood.
