Whiting, “Paper-Making in New England,” 309; Gravell et al., American Watermarks, 235.
Whiting, William. “Paper-Making in New England.” In The New England States: Their Constitutional, Judicial, Educational, Commercial, Professional and Industrial History, edited by William T. Davis, vol. 1, pp. 303–333. Boston: D. H. Hurd, 1897.
Gravell, Thomas L., George Miller, and Elizabeth Walsh. American Watermarks: 1690–1835. 2nd ed. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2002.
See the full bibliographic entry for JS Office Papers, ca. 1835–1845, in the CHL catalog.
Jessee, “Writing of Joseph Smith’s History,” 456.
Jessee, Dean C. “The Writing of Joseph Smith’s History.” BYU Studies 11 (Summer 1971): 439–473.
JS History, vol. E-1, 1831–1833; Vogel, History of Joseph Smith, 1:c.
Vogel, Dan, ed. History of Joseph Smith and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: A Source and Text-Critical Edition. 8 vols. Salt Lake City: Smith-Pettit Foundation, 2015.
Jenson, Autobiography, 192, 389; Cannon, Journal, 9 Feb. 1891; Jenson, Journal, 9 Feb. 1891 and 19 Oct. 1897; Bitton and Arrington, Mormons and Their Historians, 47–52.
Jenson, Andrew. Autobiography of Andrew Jenson: Assistant Historian of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. . . . Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1938.
Cannon, George Q. Journals, 1855–1864, 1872–1901. CHL. CR 850 1.
Jenson, Andrew. Journals, 1864–1941. Andrew Jenson, Autobiography and Journals, 1864–1941. CHL.
Bitton, David, and Leonard J. Arrington. Mormons and Their Historians. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1988.
See the full bibliographic entry for JS Office Papers, ca. 1835–1845, in the CHL catalog.
William W. Phelps, Nauvoo, IL, to Thomas Ford, Springfield, IL, 30 Dec. 1843, JS Office Papers, CHL.
In a 5 December 1843 habeas corpus petition, Avery similarly complained that he was “surrounded by a band of armed men numbering some sixteen or seventeen persons.” (Daniel Avery, Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, Clark Co., MO, 5 Dec. 1843, State of Missouri v. Daniel Avery [Clark Co. Cir. Ct. 1843], Clark County Circuit Clerk’s Office, Clark County Courthouse, Kahoka, MO.)
Clark County Circuit Clerk’s Office, Clark County Courthouse. Kahoka, MO.
Earlier, Avery stated that he was forcibly removed from Illinois “notwithstanding the remonstrances and often repeated demands . . . for their authority & by what process he was so seized & detained— That no writ was shown to or served upon him in any way— that his demands for writ of Habeas Corpus were utterly & entirely refused.” (Daniel Avery, Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, Clark Co., MO, 5 Dec. 1843, State of Missouri v. Daniel Avery [Clark Co. Cir. Ct. 1843], Clark County Circuit Clerk’s Office, Clark County Courthouse, Kahoka, MO.)
Clark County Circuit Clerk’s Office, Clark County Courthouse. Kahoka, MO.
Clark was an early settler, founder, and prominent resident of St. Francisville, Missouri. (History of Lewis, Clark, Knox and Scotland Counties, Missouri, 242, 269, 339.)
History of Lewis, Clark, Knox and Scotland Counties, Missouri, from the Earliest Time to the Present, Together with Sundry Personal, Business, and Professional Sketches. . . . St. Louis: Goodspeed Publishing, 1887.
Coolidge was a doctor and prominent member of the Congregationalist church in Warsaw, Illinois. (Advertisement, Warsaw [IL] Message, 6 Sept. 1843, [3]; Gregg, History of Hancock County, Illinois, 642.)
Warsaw Message. Warsaw, IL. 1843–1844.
Gregg, Thomas. History of Hancock County, Illinois, Together with an Outline History of the State, and a Digest of State Laws. Chicago: Charles C. Chapman, 1880.
Cancellation and insertion in the handwriting of Thomas Bullock.