Bond, 2 August 1842 [City of Nauvoo v. W. Thompson]
Source Note
William Thompson, , , and , Bond, [, Hancock Co., IL], to City of , 2 Aug. 1842, City of Nauvoo v. W. Thompson (Nauvoo, IL, Mayor’s Court 1842); handwriting of ; signatures of William Thompson by his mark, , , and ; witnessed by ; two pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. Includes seals.
Know all Men by these presents that We William Thom[p]son, and are held and firmly bound unto the City of in the penal Sum of Two Hundred Dollars, for the appearance of said William Thompson before the Mayor at Ten OClock A. M. on Wednesday the 3rd day of August Instant, to abide the Judgment of said Court.— August second 1842.—