Constitution of the Society of the Daughter of Zion, circa Late June 1838, as Recorded in Cleminson, Record
Source Note
Constitution of the Society of the Daughter of Zion, ca. late June 1838. Version copied [ca. Nov. 1838] in Cleminson Record, [19]–[23]; handwriting of ; CHL.
Whereas in all bodies, laws are necessary for the permanent safety and well being of society. We the members of the daughter of Zion do agree to regulate ourselves under such laws as in righteousness shall be deemed necessary for the preservation of our holy religion and of our sacred rights and the rights of our wives and children. But to be explicit on the subject it is especially our object to support and defend the rights conferred on us by our venerable sires who purchased them with the pledges of their lives fortunes and sacred honors. And now to prove ourselves worthy of the liberty conferred on us by them [p. [19]]