Constitution of the Society of the Daughter of Zion, circa Late June 1838, as Recorded in Cleminson, Record
Source Note
Constitution of the Society of the Daughter of Zion, ca. late June 1838. Version copied [ca. Nov. 1838] in Cleminson Record, [19]–[23]; handwriting of ; CHL.
it is inconvenient and impossible to convene the people in all cases, the legislative powers have been given by them from time to time into the hands of a representative composed of delegates from the people themselves. This is and has been the law both in civil and religious bodies and is the true principle
Article 2
The executive powers shall be vested in the president of the whole church and his counsellors
Article 3
The legislative powers shall reside in the President and his counsellors together and with the Generals and Colonels of the Society By them all laws shall be made regulating the society
Article 4
All offices shall be during life and good behavior to be regulated by the law of God [p. [21]]