Those who do these it is impossible to renew unto repentance for they are delivered to the buffettings of satan untill the dayof redemptions
illustrated the case of David said he could not obtain celestial Glory and the reason why he had any hope or obtained a Promise that of his seed one should be raised up to reign over Israel forever was because that he had not spoken against the spirit & because he had not done this he was renewed unto repentance and obtained prom[i]se that God would not leave his soul in Hell
Also spoke of the rulers of the Jews & Peter preaching I wot (wish) that through ignorance ye did it as did those over whom we ye ruled Acts 3–17 Peter did not preach repentance & Baptism but repent & be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of redemptions shall come from the presence of God Promised to treat upon the Spir[i]t of messiah some future time
A Revelation So long as we see the bow in the cloud seed time & harvest shall continue that year when the bow shall cease then shall come famine wars &c after which the sign of the Son of man shall be seen in heaven [p. [34]]