that our difficulties from the State of are hurled on us through the influ[en]ce of our neighbors around us.— the has boasted of being a law abiding man. it is our best policy to acquaint the by affidavits &c so that when the onset comes he will be obliged to send the Militia to our support. Let us keep cool, as a cucumber in a frosty morning, say nothing about . Soft words turn away wrath “in the heart of a fool,” therefore <we will> Poor pussey this generation. keep time,— have the ordinances in possession and study them, & ferret out all brothels and disorderly conduct, and if a transgressor resists cuff his ears,— if any one lifts a weapon presents a pistol &c take its his life if need<s> be, take care of <to save your> yourselves <own lives>, Let no horse be taken away,— or any thing stolen.— Let alone, stay at home, if any man attempts to bribe you tell me, Let us have a reformation, the spe[c]ulators are in this & wanting to sell revolving pistols, to us to fight the Mo [Missourians] <and the Mo’ to fight us,> I think my life more in danger from some little doe head of a fool in this <the> than from all the volobulory [volubility?] of enemies abroad, and <if> I can escape the <the hand of an as> assassin of a Brutus I can live as<like> as <might> Caesar, <have lived if he had not the been for <a> Brutus>— I have <have had> pretended friends who have betrayed me as I am informed. Then Blessed the police,— it may be said in time to come where is our <if> old policemen—. <if you m[a]gnify your office,> Let us have one of our policemen <if you will magnify you[r] office> shall be the blessing that shall be conforrd on you in time to come. if you wi [p. 31]
TEXT: Richards apparently began to write “if you will magnify your office” before erasing the partially formed clause and making three attempts to insert it earlier in the paragraph.