Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–A, as Published in Clayton, Revelations
Source Note
JS, Discourse, [, Lee Co., Iowa Territory, or , Hancock Co., IL], [between ca. 26 June and ca. 4 Aug. 1839]. Version published [ca. 1857] in [William Clayton], Revelations, no date, 3–7. The copy used for transcription is held at CHL.
menced; one pestilence will desolate after another; we shall soon have war and bloodshed; the moan will be turned to blood. I testify of these things and that the coming of the Son of Man is nigh, even at your doors. If our souls and our bodies are not looking forth for the coming of the Son of Man, and after we are dead if we are not looking forth we shall be among those who are calling for the rocks to fall upon us, &c
The hearts of the children will have to be turned to the fathers and the fathers to the children, living or dead, to prepare them for the coming of the Son of Man. If Elijah did not come the whole earth would be smitten. There will be here and there a , &c. Some may have cried peace, but the and the world will have little peace from henceforth. Let this not hinder us from going to the stake, for God has told us to flee, not dallying or we shall be scattered one here, another there. There your children shall be blessed and you in the midst of your friends where you may be blessed, &c.
The gespel net gathers in of every kind. I prophesy that that man who tarries after he has an opportunity of going will be aflicted by the devil. Wars are at hand; we must not delay, but we are not required to sacrifice; we ought to have the building up of as our greatest object. When wars come we shall have to flee to Zion; the cry is to make haste. The last revelation says ye shall not have time to have gone over the earth until these things come. It will come as did the cholera, war and fires burning, earthquakes, one pestilence after another, &c., until the Ancient of Days come, then judgment will be given to the Saints.
Whatever yon may hear about me or , take no notice of, for if it be a place of refuge, the devil will use his greatest efforts to trap the Saints. You must make yourselves acquainted with those men who like Daniel pray three times a day, to the house of the Lord. Look to the , &c. Every man who is afraid, covetous, &c., will be taken in a snare. The time is soon coming when no man will have any peace but in Zion and her stakes. I saw men hunting the lives of their own sons and brother murdering brother, women killing their daughters and daughters seeking the lives of their mothers. I saw armies arrayed against armies. I saw blood, desolations and fires, &c.
The Son of Man has said that the mother shall be against the daughter and the daughter against the mother, &c., &c. These [p. 6]