Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–A, as Published in Clayton, Revelations
Source Note
JS, Discourse, [, Lee Co., Iowa Territory, or , Hancock Co., IL], [between ca. 26 June and ca. 4 Aug. 1839]. Version published [ca. 1857] in [William Clayton], Revelations, no date, 3–7. The copy used for transcription is held at CHL.
things are at our doors; they will follow the of God from city to city; will rage; the spirit of the devil is now enraged, &c. I know not how soon these things will take place and with a view of them shall I cry peace? No! I will lift up my voice and testify of them. How long you will have good crops and the famine be kept, I do not know; when the fig tree leaves, know then that the summer is nigh at hand. We may look for angels, &c.; but we are to try the spirits and prove them; it is often the case that men make a mistake in regard to those things. God has so ordained that when he has communicated, no vision is to be taken but what you see by the seeing of the eye, or what you hear by the hearing of the ear. When you see a vision, &c., pray for the interpretation; if you get not this shut it up. There must be certainty. An open vision will manifest that which is more important. Lying spirits are going forth in the earth. There will be great manifestations of spirits both false and true, &c.
Being born again comes by the Spirit of God through . An angel of Cod never has wings. Some will say that they have seen a spirit; that he offered them his hand but they did not touch it. This is a lie, for it is contrary to the plan of God. A spirit cannot come but in glory; an angel has flesh and bones, we see not their glory. The devil may appear as an angel of light; ask God to reveal it; if it be of the devil he will flee from you, if of God he will manifest himself or make it manifest. We may come to Jesus; he will know all about it; if he comes to a little child he will adapt himself to the language of a little child. There is no gold nor silver, &c.; it is false; all is plain in heaven; every spirit and vision or singing is not of God. The devil is an orator, &c.; he is powerful; he took our Savior to a pinnacle of the temple; kept him in the wilderness for forty days. The gift of discovering spirits will be given to the ; pray for him, &c. Speak not in the gift of tongues without understanding it or without interpretation. The devil can speak in tongues.— The adversary will come with his work; he can tempt all classes; can speak in English or Dutch. Let no one speak in tongues unless he interpret, except by the consent of the one who is placed to preside, then he may discern or interpret, or another may. Let us seek for the glory of Abraham, Noah, Adam; the have communion with these things; and then we shall be among that number when Christ comes. [p. 7]