JS, Nauvoo, IL, to Horace Hotchkiss, 26 Nov. 1842, in JS Letterbook 2, pp. 241–242.
JS Letterbook 2 / Smith, Joseph. “Copies of Letters, &c. &c.,” 1839–1843. Joseph Smith Collection, 1827–1846. CHL. MS 155, box 2, fd. 2.
See 1 July 1842 entry in History Draft.
Richards, Journal, 1 July 1842.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
See 2 July 1842 entry in History Draft.
JS, Journal, 2 July 1842.
A. Crane, “A Phrenological Chart,” Joseph Smith, The Wasp, 2 July 1842, p. [3].
The Wasp. Nauvoo, IL. Apr. 1842–Apr. 1843.