JS, Journal, 29 June 1842; “Clayton, William,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:718.
Jenson, Andrew. Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia: A Compilation of Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 4 vols. Salt Lake City: Andrew Jenson History Co., 1901–1936.
Richards, Journal, 9 Aug. 1844; “Conference Minutes,” Times and Seasons, 1 Nov. 1844, 5:693; see also Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
See the full bibliographic entry for Helen Vilate Bourne Fleming, Collection, 1836–1963, in the CHL catalog.
Mace, Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism, 4; Titus, “Reminiscences of Early American Universalism,” 441.
Mace, Fayette. Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism; in Which the Principles of the United Society Are Illustrated and Defended. Portland, ME: Charles Day, 1838.
Titus, Anson. “Reminiscences of Early American Universalism.” In The Universalist Quarterly and General Review, edited by Thomas B. Thayer, 430–453. Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1885.
Cobb, Autobiography, 74, 83–84, 92, 101, 133, 143, 185; Capen, Half-Century Memorial of the First Universalist Society in Providence, Rhode Island, 12, 15–16; Staples, Annals of the Town of Providence, 477; “Religious Notice,” Christian Intelligencer, 16 Aug. 1823, 3:27; Knowlton, Annals of Calais, Maine and St. Stephen, New Brunswick, 148; “Universalists Associations,” Gospel Herald and Universalist Review, 10 Oct. 1829, 329; “Dedication,” Gloucester (MA) Telegraph, 10 Oct. 1829, [3].
Cobb, Sylvanus. Autobiography of the First Forty-One Years of the Life of Sylvanus Cobb, D. D. to Which Is Added a Memoir, by His Eldest Son, Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1867.
Capen, E. H., ed. A Half-Century Memorial of the First Universalist Society in Providence, Rhode Island, Comprising an Historical Discourse by Rev. E. H. Capen, a Poem by Rev. Cyrus H. Fay, an Account of Commemorative Services Held in the Church, and in Roger Williams Hall, April 12th, 1871, Together with an Appendix. Providence, RI: Gladding Bro. and Co., 1871.
Staples, William R. Annals of the Town of Providence, from Its First Settlement, to the Organization of the City Government, in June, 1832. Providence: Knowles and Vose, 1843.
Christian Intelligencer. New York City. 1833–1848.
Knowlton, I. C. Annals of Calais, Maine and St. Stephen, New Brunswick; Including the Village of Milltown, ME., and the Present Town of Milltown, N. B. Calais, ME: J. A. Sears, 1875.
Gospel Herald and Universalist Review. New York City. 1829–1831.
Gloucester Telegraph. Gloucester, MA. 1827–1838.
Capen, Half-Century Memorial of the First Universalist Society in Providence, Rhode Island, 16n1.
Capen, E. H., ed. A Half-Century Memorial of the First Universalist Society in Providence, Rhode Island, Comprising an Historical Discourse by Rev. E. H. Capen, a Poem by Rev. Cyrus H. Fay, an Account of Commemorative Services Held in the Church, and in Roger Williams Hall, April 12th, 1871, Together with an Appendix. Providence, RI: Gladding Bro. and Co., 1871.
Mace, Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism, 4, italics in original.
Mace, Fayette. Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism; in Which the Principles of the United Society Are Illustrated and Defended. Portland, ME: Charles Day, 1838.
Mace, Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism, 4–5.
Mace, Fayette. Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism; in Which the Principles of the United Society Are Illustrated and Defended. Portland, ME: Charles Day, 1838.
Mace, Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism, 3, 5–6; Paterwic, Historical Dictionary of Shakers, 132.
Mace, Fayette. Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism; in Which the Principles of the United Society Are Illustrated and Defended. Portland, ME: Charles Day, 1838.
Paterwic, Stephen J. Historical Dictionary of the Shakers. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Capen, Half-Century Memorial of the First Universalist Society in Providence, Rhode Island, 16n1; Titus, “Reminiscences of Early American Universalism,” 441; Paterwic, Historical Dictionary of Shakers, 132.
Capen, E. H., ed. A Half-Century Memorial of the First Universalist Society in Providence, Rhode Island, Comprising an Historical Discourse by Rev. E. H. Capen, a Poem by Rev. Cyrus H. Fay, an Account of Commemorative Services Held in the Church, and in Roger Williams Hall, April 12th, 1871, Together with an Appendix. Providence, RI: Gladding Bro. and Co., 1871.
Titus, Anson. “Reminiscences of Early American Universalism.” In The Universalist Quarterly and General Review, edited by Thomas B. Thayer, 430–453. Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1885.
Paterwic, Stephen J. Historical Dictionary of the Shakers. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Capen, Half-Century Memorial of the First Universalist Society in Providence, Rhode Island, 16n1; 1870 U.S. Census, Buxton, York Co., ME, 30; Paterwic, Historical Dictionary of Shakers, 132; “That Precious Name,” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 26 Apr. 1881, 264; Application for Fayette Mace, 28 Nov. 1841, Record Group 92, Applications for Headstones for U.S. Military Veterans, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, National Archives, Washington DC.
Capen, E. H., ed. A Half-Century Memorial of the First Universalist Society in Providence, Rhode Island, Comprising an Historical Discourse by Rev. E. H. Capen, a Poem by Rev. Cyrus H. Fay, an Account of Commemorative Services Held in the Church, and in Roger Williams Hall, April 12th, 1871, Together with an Appendix. Providence, RI: Gladding Bro. and Co., 1871.
Census (U.S.) / U.S. Bureau of the Census. Population Schedules. Microfilm. FHL.
Paterwic, Stephen J. Historical Dictionary of the Shakers. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. Saratoga Springs, NY, 1851–1852; Rochester, NY, 1852–1855; Battle Creek, MI, 1855–1903; Washington DC, 1903–1961, 1971–1977.
Applications for Headstones for U.S. Military Veterans, 1925–1941. Record Group 92, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General. National Archives, Washington DC.
While it is possible the title “deacon” refers to an ordained minister of another Christian denomination, it more likely refers to a person holding the priesthood office of deacon in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That person may have been David B. Cowan, who lived in Farmington, Maine, through at least 1840. The Cowan family apparently moved to Illinois by the mid-1840s. (See 1830 U.S. Census, Farmington, Kennebec Co., ME, 330; 1840 U.S. Census, Farmington, Franklin Co., ME, 111; Hancock Co., IL, Birth Certificates, Death Records, Marriage Records, Applications for Marriage Licenses, 1829–1947, Marriage Certificates, 1844–1850, 2 Aug. 1849, microfilm 1,532,146, U.S. and Canada Record Collection, FHL; Transcript of Proceedings, ca. 6 May 1846, David B. Cowan for the Use of William Backenstos v. Hiram Gates [Hancock Co. Cir. Ct. 1846], Historical Department, Nineteenth-Century Legal Documents Collection, 1829–1973, CHL; Almon Babbitt et al. to Phineas Kimball, Indenture, Hancock Co., IL, 28 Nov. 1848, Hiram Kimball Collection, CHL; and 1850 U.S. Census, Hancock Co., IL, 398.)
Census (U.S.) / U.S. Bureau of the Census. Population Schedules. Microfilm. FHL.
U.S. and Canada Record Collection. FHL.
Historical Department. Nineteenth-Century Legal Documents Collection, ca. 1825–1890. CHL. CR 100 339.
Kimball, Hiram. Collection, 1830–1910. CHL.