An ordinance in which an individual is immersed in water for the remission of sins. The Book of Mormon explained that those with necessary authority were to baptize individuals who had repented of their sins. Baptized individuals also received the gift of the Holy Ghost, sometimes called “baptism of fire.” According to JS’s history, in May 1829, John the Baptist appeared to JS and Oliver Cowdery and conferred upon them the authority to baptize. In June 1829, a revelation stated that baptism was for only those who had reached the “years of accountability,” later defined as eight years old. Baptism was required for membership in the church. An April 1830 revelation directed that all converts who had previously been baptized into other Christian denominations should be baptized into the “new and everlasting covenant.” During the JS era, some members were rebaptized for remission of their sins or for healing. Some previously excommunicated members were required to be rebaptized before being readmitted to the church. Beginning in 1840, JS directed church members to perform vicarious baptisms on behalf of those who died without being baptized.
- History, 1838–1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805–30 August 1834]
- History Draft [6 August 1838–30 December 1839]
- Letter from Oliver Cowdery, 8 April 1831
- Letter from Thomas Burdick, 28 August 1840
- Elders’ Journal, November 1837
- Elders’ Journal, October 1837
- General Joseph Smith’s Appeal to the Green Mountain Boys, 21 November–circa 3 December 1843
- Times and Seasons, 1 April 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 July 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 June 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 March 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 October 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 September 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 April 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 August 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 July 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 June 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 March 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 September 1842
- Times and Seasons, 16 May 1842
- Times and Seasons , 2 May 1842
- Account of Meeting and Discourse, 29 August 1842
- Account of Meeting and Discourse, circa 2 February 1841
- Account of Meeting and Discourses, circa 9 March 1841
- Account of Meeting, 12 January 1841, as Reported by William P. McIntire
- Account of Meeting, circa 30 March 1841
- Account of Meetings, Revelation, and Blessing, 5–6 December 1834
- Appendix 1: First Theological Lecture on Faith, circa January–May 1835
- Appendix 3: Statement on Marriage, circa August 1835
- Appendix 3: “Articles of the Church of Christ,” June 1829
- Appendix 4: Declaration on Government and Law, circa August 1835 [D&C 134]
- Appendix 5, Document 6. Blessing to Oliver Cowdery, 2 October 1835
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830 [D&C 20]
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, Harry Brown Copy [D&C 20]
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, Symonds Rider Copy [D&C 20]
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, as Recorded in Coltrin, Diary [D&C 20]
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, as Recorded in Gilbert, Notebook [D&C 20]
- Articles and Covenants, circa April 1830, as Recorded in Hyde and Smith, Notebook [D&C 20]
- Authorization for Hyrum Smith and Isaac Galland, 15 February 1841–B
- Authorization for John P. Greene, circa 6 May 1839
- Authorization for Shadrach Roundy, 24 November 1842
- Authorization for Thomas R. King, 27 August 1842
- Blessing to Alden Burdick, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Daniel Stephens, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Harrison Burgess, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Hazen Aldrich, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Hiram Winters, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Joseph Kingsbury, 23 March 1843
- Blessing to Lewis Robbins, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Lorenzo Barnes, 3 January 1836
- Blessing to Nathan Baldwin, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Peter Buchanan, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Salmon Warner, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Sarah Ann Whitney, 23 March 1843
- Blessing to Solomon Denton, 1 March 1835
- Blessing to Willard Snow, 1 March 1835
- Charges against Harrison Sagers Preferred to William Marks, 21 November 1843
- Classification of Scriptures, not before 17 July 1833
- Covenant of Oliver Cowdery and Others, 17 October 1830
- Deed to Samuel F. Whitney, 8 July 1838
- Discourse, 11 June 1843–A, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 11 June 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 13 August 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 14 May 1843
- Discourse, 15 October 1843
- Discourse, 16 May 1841, as Reported by William Clayton
- Discourse, 16 May 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Discourse, 16 May 1841, as Reported by Unidentified Scribe
- Discourse, 20 March 1842, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 20 March, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Discourse, 27 March 1842
- Discourse, 28 April 1842
- Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Discourse, 31 August 1842
- Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 5 February 1840
- Discourse, 7 April 1842–C
- Discourse, 7 July 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 7 November 1841, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 7 November 1841, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 9 July 1843
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 2 July 1839, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 2 July 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by William P. McIntire
- Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray
- Discourse, circa 2 February 1841
- Explanation of Scripture, 1830 [D&C 74]
- History Draft [1 January–21 June 1844]
- History Draft [1 March–31 December 1843]
- History Draft [1 January–3 March 1843]
- History Draft [21 June–8 August 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843]
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- Instruction on Priesthood, between circa 1 March and circa 4 May 1835 [D&C 107]
- Instruction on Priesthood, between circa 1 March and circa 4 May 1835, as Recorded in Kimball, History [D&C 107]
- Instruction on Priesthood, circa 5 October 1840
- Instruction, 9 February 1843 [D&C 129], as Reported by Willard Richards
- Interview, 3 November 1841
- Journal, 1832–1834
- Journal, 1835–1836
- Journal, 1839
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 1, 21 December 1842–10 March 1843
- Journal, March–September 1838
- Letter from Alfred Cordon, 17 February 1842
- Letter from Almon Babbitt, 19 October 1841
- Letter from Alphonso Young, 6 May 1842
- Letter from Austin Cowles, 13 March 1843
- Letter from Benjamin Winchester, 18 September 1841
- Letter from Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball, 12 September 1842
- Letter from Brigham Young and Willard Richards, 5 September 1840
- Letter from Brigham Young, 29 April 1840
- Letter from Brigham Young, 7 May 1840
- Letter from D. S. Perry, circa 8 August 1843
- Letter from E. H. Mower, 9 March 1843
- Letter from Eli Maginn, 1 and 3 May 1842
- Letter from Eli Maginn, 22 March 1842
- Letter from Elias Higbee, 9 March 1840
- Letter from Eliza Lowry Nicholson, 23 April 1843
- Letter from Erastus Snow, 11 April 1842
- Letter from Fayette Mace, 7 October 1843
- Letter from Francis Gladden Bishop, 26 September 1843
- Letter from George Brandon, 6 July 1842
- Letter from George J. Adams, 21 April 1842
- Letter from George J. Adams, 23 February 1843
- Letter from Hannah Root and James M. Adams, 10 March 1843
- Letter from Harvey Whitlock, 28 September 1835
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde, between 22 and 28 May 1838
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball and Others, 25 May 1840
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball, 9 July 1840
- Letter from Isaac Galland, 11 March 1843
- Letter from Isaac Galland, 24 July 1839
- Letter from Isaac Galland, 5 April 1841
- Letter from James Adams, 27 April 1843
- Letter from James Arlington Bennet, 24 October 1843
- Letter from James M. Adams, 16 November 1842
- Letter from John C. Bennett, 25 July 1840
- Letter from John Cleminson, between 1 and 15 May 1842
- Letter from John E. Page, 23 September 1840
- Letter from John E. Page, 24 April 1843
- Letter from John M. Bernhisel, 11 April 1842
- Letter from John M. Bernhisel, 8 March 1843
- Letter from John P. Greene, 18 March 1843
- Letter from John Taylor, 3 February 1841
- Letter from John E. Page, 1 September 1841
- Letter from John M. Bernhisel, 12 July 1841
- Letter from Joseph L. Heywood, 23 October 1843
- Letter from Lester Brooks, 7 November 1842
- Letter from Levick Sturges and Others, 30 January 1842
- Letter from Lorenzo D. Wasson, 30 July 1842
- Letter from Lorenzo Snow, 10 October 1842
- Letter from Martha Lucretia Campbell, 19 December 1843
- Letter from Mephibosheth Sirrine, 25 May 1842
- Letter from Moses Martin, 23 May 1842
- Letter from Moses Martin, 7 November 1841
- Letter from Oliver Cowdery, 6 November 1829
- Letter from Oliver Cowdery, 12 November 1830
- Letter from Orson Hyde and John E. Page, 1 May 1840
- Letter from Orson Hyde, 15 June 1841
- Letter from Orson Hyde, 28 September 1840
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, 13 March 1842
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, 24 October 1841
- Letter from Peter Hess, 16 February 1843
- Letter from Reuben Hedlock, 16–17 October 1843
- Letter from Reuben Hedlock, 4 October 1843
- Letter from Richard Hewitt, 24 May 1840
- Letter from Richard Savary, 2 February 1842
- Letter from Robert D. Foster, 24 December 1839
- Letter from Robert D. and Sarah Phinney Foster, circa 16 August 1842
- Letter from S. J. Wild, circa 30 April 1843
- Letter from Samuel Bent and George W. Harris, 23 September 1840
- Letter from Thomas Rawcliff, 24 May 1843
- Letter from Unidentified Author, 23 September 1843
- Letter from Unidentified Author, 29 August 1842, Extract
- Letter from Wilford Woodruff and Jonathan H. Hale, 18 September 1837
- Letter from Wilford Woodruff and Others, 9 March 1838
- Letter from William Appleby, circa March 1842
- Letter from William W. Phelps, 7 July 1837
- Letter from William W. Phelps, with Appended Letter from Orson Hyde and John E. Page, 29 June 1840
- Letter from Zenas Gurley, 4 May 1842
- Letter to Edward Partridge and Others, 14 January 1833
- Letter to Church Leaders in Jackson County, Missouri, 21 April 1833
- Letter to Church Leaders in Geneseo, New York, 23 November 1833
- Letter to Church Leaders in Jackson County, Missouri, 25 June 1833
- Letter to Church Officers in Clay County, Missouri, 31 August 1835
- Letter to David Hale, 12–19 February 1841
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843, Initial Draft
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843, Second Draft
- Letter to Editor, 22 January 1840
- Letter to Frederick Kesler, 2 July 1840
- Letter to Hyrum Smith and Nauvoo High Council, 5 December 1839
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 11 September 1839
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 22 March 1839
- Letter to J. G. Fosdick, 3 February 1834
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, as Published in New York Herald
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Letter to John Smith, 2 July 1833
- Letter to John McKee, 28 March 1843
- Letter to John S. Carter, 13 April 1833
- Letter to John and Sarah Kingsley Cleveland, 24 May 1839
- Letter to John M. Bernhisel, 13 April 1841
- Letter to Moses Nickerson, 19 November 1833
- Letter to Newel Knight and the Church in Colesville, 28 August 1830
- Letter to Noah C. Saxton, 12 February 1833
- Letter to Noah C. Saxton, 4 January 1833
- Letter to Oliver Granger, between circa 22 and circa 28 July 1840
- Letter to Quorum of the Twelve, 15 December 1840
- Letter to Silas Smith, 26 September 1833
- Letter to Sirs, 1 April 1843
- Letter to Stephen Post, 17 September 1838
- Letter to Vienna Jaques, 4 September 1833
- Letter to Vilate Murray Kimball, 2 March 1841
- Letter to William W. Phelps, 31 July 1832
- Letter to William W. Phelps, 22 May 1839
- Letter to the Church in Colesville, 2 December 1830
- Letter to the Church and Others, 23 June 1842
- Letter to the Church in Caldwell County, Missouri, 16 December 1838
- Letter to the Church in Thompson, Ohio, 6 February 1833
- Letter to the Church, 7 September 1842 [D&C 128]
- Letter to the Elders of the Church, 16 November 1835
- Letter to the Elders of the Church, 2 October 1835
- Letter to the Elders of the Church, 30 November–1 December 1835
- Letter to “All the Saints in Nauvoo,” 1 September 1842 [D&C 127]
- Letter, Erastus Snow to Hyrum Smith and William Law, 4 February 1842
- Letter, London, England, to “Gentlemen,” 28 June 1843
- Letterbook 1
- Letterbook 2
- Letters to John Burk, Sally Waterman Phelps, and Almira Mack Scobey, 1–2 June 1835
- License for Christian Whitmer, 9 June 1830
- License for Edward Partridge, circa 4 August 1831–circa 5 January 1832
- License for Frederick G. Williams, 27 April 1835
- License for Gardner Snow, 19 January 1839
- License for Hosea Stout, 20 April 1840
- License for John Whitmer, 9 June 1830
- License for John P. Greene, 25 February 1834
- License for Joseph Smith Sr., 9 June 1830
- License for Stephen Abbott, circa 6 April 1841
- License for William Smith, 5 October 1831
- Minutes and Discourse, 13 January 1840
- Minutes and Discourse, 1–5 October 1841
- Minutes and Discourse, 2 May 1835, as Reported by William E. McLellin–A
- Minutes and Discourse, 21 April 1834
- Minutes and Discourse, 31 August 1842
- Minutes and Discourse, 3–5 October 1840
- Minutes and Discourse, 6–8 April 1840
- Minutes and Discourses, 5–7 October 1839
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–7 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1842
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock
- Minutes from Mascoutah, Illinois, Conference, 21 February 1843
- Minutes, 1 October 1831
- Minutes, 1 September 1831
- Minutes, 12 April 1840
- Minutes, 16 September 1835
- Minutes, 17 August 1835
- Minutes, 17 March 1834
- Minutes, 19 February 1834
- Minutes, 2 May 1833
- Minutes, 20 February 1834
- Minutes, 20 January 1843
- Minutes, 23 March 1833–B
- Minutes, 25–26 October 1831
- Minutes, 26 September 1830
- Minutes, 26 April 1835
- Minutes, 27 May 1843
- Minutes, 28 November 1834
- Minutes, 28–29 September 1835
- Minutes, 3 December 1832
- Minutes, 3 May 1834
- Minutes, 30 April 1832
- Minutes, 30 April 1843
- Minutes, 30 January 1836
- Minutes, 4 April 1834
- Minutes, 7–11 April 1841
- Minutes, 8 March 1840
- Minutes, 9 February 1834
- Minutes, 9 June 1830
- Minutes, Discourse, and Blessings, 1 March 1835
- Mortgage to Peter French, 5 October 1836
- Note from Willard Richards, 22 September 1843
- Note on Ordinations, circa 16 June 1831
- Notice, 11 May 1842
- Notification to Daniel Wood, 23 January 1842
- Pay Order to Newel K. Whitney for George Miller, 18 September 1840
- Pay Order to Newel K. Whitney for “Mrs. Young,” 15 June 1840
- Petition from George B. Wallace and Others and Letter from John E. Page, 30 October 1843
- Poem from Eliza R. Snow, 12 October 1842
- Poem from William W. Phelps, 7 November 1843
- Poem to William W. Phelps, between circa 1 and circa 15 February 1843
- Proclamation, 15 January 1841
- Proclamation, between 19 January and 27 August 1841
- Questions and Answers, 8 May 1838
- Receipt to Jonathan Harrington, 8 July 1842
- Recommendation for Edward Partridge and Isaac Morley, 1 June 1835
- Recommendation for George A. Smith, 21 September 1839
- Recommendation for Heber C. Kimball, between 2 and 13 June 1837
- Recommendation from Thomas Ward and Hiram Clark for Lorenzo Snow, circa 5 January 1843
- Record of the Twelve, 14 February–28 August 1835
- Reflections and Blessings, 16 and 23 August 1842
- Report of the First Presidency, 4 October 1840
- Resolutions of the Boston Conference, 12 March 1843
- Revelation Book 1
- Revelation Book 2
- Revelation, September 1830–B [D&C 28]
- Revelation, September 1830–D [D&C 30:5–8]
- Revelation, September 1830–E [D&C 30:9–11]
- Revelation, 1 November 1831–A [D&C 68]
- Revelation, 12 October 1833 [D&C 100]
- Revelation, 12 July 1843 [D&C 132]
- Revelation, 14 June 1831 [D&C 55]
- Revelation, 15 March 1832 [D&C 81]
- Revelation, 15 May 1831
- Revelation, 16 April 1830 [D&C 22]
- Revelation, 16 April 1830, as Recorded in Gilbert, Notebook [D&C 22]
- Revelation, 16 November 1835
- Revelation, 19 January 1841 [D&C 124]
- Revelation, 19 January 1841, Extract, as Published in Times and Seasons [D&C 124:1–110]
- Revelation, 22–23 September 1832 [D&C 84]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837 [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837, Unidentified Scribe Copy [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837, Vilate Murray Kimball Copy [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837, as Recorded in Kimball, Journal [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837, as Recorded in Woodruff, Book of Revelations [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837, as Recorded in Young, Journal [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 25 November 1834 [D&C 106]
- Revelation, 27 February 1832
- Revelation, 27 July 1842, in Unidentified Handwriting–A
- Revelation, 27 July 1842, in Unidentified Handwriting–B
- Revelation, 29 August 1832 [D&C 99]
- Revelation, 4 February 1831 [D&C 41]
- Revelation, 4 November 1830 [D&C 34]
- Revelation, 5 January 1831 [D&C 39]
- Revelation, 6 April 1830 [D&C 21]
- Revelation, 6 June 1831 [D&C 52]
- Revelation, 6 June 1831, Symonds Rider Copy [D&C 52]
- Revelation, 6 May 1833 [D&C 93]
- Revelation, 7 December 1830 [D&C 35]
- Revelation, 7 December 1830, as Published in Ohio Star [D&C 35]
- Revelation, 7 December 1830, as Published in Howe, Mormonism Unvailed [D&C 35]
- Revelation, 7 May 1831 [D&C 49]
- Revelation, 8 July 1838–B
- Revelation, 9 February 1831 [D&C 42:1–72]
- Revelation, 9 December 1830 [D&C 36]
- Revelation, 9 February 1831, as Recorded in Gilbert, Notebook [D&C 42:1–72]
- Revelation, 9 May 1831 [D&C 50]
- Revelation, April 1830–C [D&C 23:4]
- Revelation, April 1830–D [D&C 23:5]
- Revelation, April 1830–E [D&C 23:6–7]
- Revelation, February 1831–A [D&C 43]
- Revelation, July 1830–A [D&C 24]
- Revelation, June 1829–E [D&C 17]
- Revelation, June 1829–B [D&C 18]
- Revelation, June 1829–C [D&C 15]
- Revelation, May 1829–A [D&C 11]
- Revelation, October 1830–B [D&C 33]
- Revelation, October 1830–A [D&C 32]
- Revelation, September 1830–F [D&C 31]
- Revelation, circa 8 March 1831–A [D&C 46]
- Revelation, circa June 1835 [D&C 68]
- Revelation, circa Summer 1829 [D&C 19]
- Revelations printed in Evening and Morning Star, January 1835–June 1836
- Revelations printed in The Evening and the Morning Star, June 1832–June 1833
- Statement on Marriage, circa August 1835, as Published in Latter Day Saints’ Messenger and Advocate
- Testimony against Chauncey L. Higbee, 25 May 1844
- Vision, 16 February 1832 [D&C 76]
- Visions, 3 April 1836 [D&C 110]
- Warrant, 2 August 1842–A [ City of Nauvoo v. W. Thompson ]
- “Church History,” 1 March 1842