JS History, vol. A-1, 156. Although the minutes list four priests in attendance, John Whitmer wrote that five priests were present. (Whitmer, History, 38.)
McLellin, Journal, 25–26 Oct. 1831; Whitmer, History, 38; “History of Luke Johnson,” 3, Historian’s Office, Histories of the Twelve, ca. 1858–1880, CHL. Luke Johnson’s history states that the eleven witnesses to the Book of Mormon, “with uplifted hands, bore their solemn testimony to the truth of that book; as did also the Prophet Joseph.” Although the conference clearly included testimonies of the Book of Mormon, and although many of the eleven witnesses who attested to the existence of the gold plates were present, the minutes of the conference do not reflect the particular event Johnson describes. Of the eleven, neither Christian Whitmer, who held the office of elder, nor Hiram Page, who held the office of teacher, was present at the commencement of the conference when the names of attending priesthood officers were recorded. There is no indication that Jacob Whitmer, another of the eleven witnesses, attended. (Minutes, ca. 3–4 June 1831; Minutes, 6 Sept. 1831.)
McLellin, William E. Journal, 18 July–20 Nov. 1831. William E. McLellin, Papers, 1831–1836, 1877–1878. CHL. MS 13538, box 1, fd. 1. Also available as Jan Shipps and John W. Welch, eds., The Journals of William E. McLellin, 1831–1836 (Provo, UT: BYU Studies; Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994).
Historian’s Office. Histories of the Twelve, 1856–1858, 1861. CHL. CR 100 93.
McLellin, Journal, 25–26 Oct. 1831. Joel Johnson also recounted that he first saw JS at the conference. (Johnson, Autobiography, 2.)
McLellin, William E. Journal, 18 July–20 Nov. 1831. William E. McLellin, Papers, 1831–1836, 1877–1878. CHL. MS 13538, box 1, fd. 1. Also available as Jan Shipps and John W. Welch, eds., The Journals of William E. McLellin, 1831–1836 (Provo, UT: BYU Studies; Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994).
Johnson, Joel H. Autobiography, ca. 1882. Photocopy. CHL. MS 15025.
McLellin, Journal, 25–26 Oct. 1831.
McLellin, William E. Journal, 18 July–20 Nov. 1831. William E. McLellin, Papers, 1831–1836, 1877–1878. CHL. MS 13538, box 1, fd. 1. Also available as Jan Shipps and John W. Welch, eds., The Journals of William E. McLellin, 1831–1836 (Provo, UT: BYU Studies; Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994).
Johnson, Reminiscenses and Journals, vol. 1, p. 16.
Johnson, Joel Hills. Reminiscences and Journals, 1835–1882. 3 vols. Joel Hills Johnson, Papers, 1835–1882. CHL. MS 1546, fds. 1–3.
“Autobiography of Levi Ward Hancock,” ca. 1896, 43.
Hancock, Mosiah Lyman. "Autobiography of Levi Ward Hancock," ca. 1896. CHL. MS 570.
Cahoon, Diary, 9 Nov. 1831; Minutes, 11 Oct. 1831.
Cahoon, Reynolds. Diaries, 1831–1832. CHL. MS 1115.
The minutes include parenthetical redactions that were probably added after the creation of the original document. (See the source note for Minute Book 2.)
John Smith (no relation to JS), who was from Northampton, Ohio, wrote that he came to the conference with his sons Eden, Micah, and Yeats, as well as with JS’s brothers Samuel and William Smith. (John Smith, Journal, 25–26 Oct. 1831.)
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
See Ephesians 1:13–14.
Revelation, 6 June 1831 [D&C 52:27].
An April 1830 revelation instructed church members to receive the “words & commandments” given to them by JS “as if from mine [the Lord’s] own mouth.” (Revelation, 6 Apr. 1830 [D&C 21:4–5].)
When JS and other elders returned from Missouri in August 1831, they discovered that in their absence, “many” in Ohio had “apostitized.” Conferences in September and October 1831 took disciplinary action against several members of the church in Ohio. (Whitmer, History, 33; see, for example, Minutes, 1 Sept. 1831; Minutes, 12 Sept. 1831; and Minutes, 21 Oct. 1831.)
Johnson had been baptized a Free Will Baptist in 1825 before converting to Mormonism in June 1831. (Johnson, Reminiscences and Journals, vol. 1, pp. 6, 10.)
Johnson, Joel Hills. Reminiscences and Journals, 1835–1882. 3 vols. Joel Hills Johnson, Papers, 1835–1882. CHL. MS 1546, fds. 1–3.