The page numbers on pages 19–71, 86–90, and 122–125 are in the handwriting of Willard Richards; on pages 72–85, 91–121, 126–167, and 171–477, in the handwriting of William Clayton; and on pages 168–170, in the handwriting of Erastus Derby. There are two pages numbered 453. Pages 476–477 constitute the last leaf of lined paper. The headers generally consist of a year or a month and year. The headers inscribed on pages 26–27, 29–71, 88–95, 119, and 121–126 are in the handwriting of Richards; the headers inscribed on pages 28, 72–87, 96–118, 120, 127–167, and 172–215 are in the handwriting of Clayton; pages 168–171, which were inscribed by Derby, have no headers. A few other pages are missing headers.
This serialized history drew on the journals herein, beginning with the 4 July 1855 issue of the Deseret News and with the 3 January 1857 issue of the LDS Millennial Star.
Most of these now-erased graphite inscriptions are recoverable with bright white light and magnification. Pages 209–215, which were not erased, represent the state of the journal entries generally when they were used for drafting the “History of Joseph Smith.”
Tithing and Donation Record, 1844–1846, CHL; Trustee-in-trust, Index and Accounts, 1841–1847, CHL.
Trustee-in-Trust. Index and Accounts, 1841–1847. CHL.
Historian’s Office, “Inventory. Historian’s Office. 4th April 1855,” [1]; Historian’s Office, “Inventory. Historians Office. G. S. L. City April 1. 1857,” [1]; Historian’s Office, “Historian’s Office Inventory G. S. L. City March 19. 1858,” [1]; Historian’s Office, “Historian’s Office Catalogue Book March 1858,” [11], Historian’s Office, Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904, CHL.
Historian’s Office. Catalogs and Inventories, 1846–1904. CHL. CR 100 130.
Emmeline B. Wells, “Salt Lake Stake Relief Society Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1880, 9:22.
Woman’s Exponent. Salt Lake City. 1872–1914.
“Inventory of President Joseph Fielding Smith’s Safe,” 23 May 1970, First Presidency, General Administration Files, CHL.
“Inventory of President Joseph Fielding Smith’s Safe,” 23 May 1970. First Presidency, General Administration Files, 1921–1972. CHL.
Letter of transfer, Salt Lake City, UT, 8 Jan. 2010, CHL.
Letter of Transfer, Salt Lake City, UT, 8 Jan. 2010. CHL.
Date | Manuscript Page | Page in JSP, J2 |
December 1841 | 26, 31, 33, 36, 39, 43–44 | 10–21 |
Dec. 1841 | 36 | 16 |
11–13 Dec. 1841 | 33 | 14–15 |
13 Dec. 1841 | 26, 33 | 10–11, 15–16 |
14 Dec. 1841 | 26 | 11 |
15–16 Dec. 1841 | 31 | 13–14 |
17 Dec. 1841 | 26 | 11 |
22 Dec. 1841 | 36 | 16–17 |
24–28 Dec. 1841 | 39 | 17–19 |
29–31 Dec. 1841 | 43–44 | 19–21 |
January 1842 | 31, 43–44, 48, 56–60, 66–67 | 14, 21–32, 36–38 |
1 Jan. 1842 | 44 | 21 |
4 Jan. 1842 | 48 | 23–24 |
5 Jan. 1842 | 31, 44 | 14, 21 |
6 Jan. 1842 | 57 | 25–26 |
12–16 Jan. 1842 | 48 | 24 |
15 Jan. 1842 | 58 | 26–27 |
16 Jan. 1842 | 48, 58 | 24, 27 |
17 Jan. 1842 | 43, 56, 58 | 20–21, 24–25, 27 |
18–22 Jan. 1842 | 58 | 27–30 |
23 Jan. 1842 | 59, 66 | 30, 36–37 |
24 Jan. 1842 | 59 | 30 |
25 Jan. 1842 | 59, 66 | 30, 37 |
26–27 Jan. 1842 | 59 | 30–31 |
28 Jan. 1842 | 59, 67 | 31, 38 |
29–31 Jan. 1842 | 60 | 31–32 |
February–July 1842 | 60–61, 88–95, 122–128 | 32–36, 38–80 |
August 1842 | 128–135, 164–167, 179–184 | 80–99, 115–124 |
3–15 Aug. 1842 | 128–135 | 80–92 |
16 Aug. 1842 | 135, 164–165 | 93–96 |
17–21 Aug. 1842 | 165–167 | 96–99 |
Copied Correspondence | 168–178 | 100–114 |
23–31 Aug. 1842 | 179–184 | 115–124 |
September–December 1842 | 184–215 | 124–183 |
One of Richards’s entries records that he was ill “& did not take notes.” Other entries, such as those dictated by JS to William Clayton while in hiding, are clearly copies of previously inscribed notes. (JS, Journal, 17 June 1842; 16 and 23 Aug. 1842.)
Clayton, History of the Nauvoo Temple, 16; Brigham Young et al., “Baptism for the Dead,” Times and Seasons, 15 Dec. 1841, 3:626.
Clayton, William. History of the Nauvoo Temple, ca. 1845. CHL. MS 3365.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Clayton, History of the Nauvoo Temple, 18; Clayton, Journal, 10 Feb. 1843.
Clayton, William. History of the Nauvoo Temple, ca. 1845. CHL. MS 3365.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
JS, Kirtland, OH, to William W. Phelps, [Independence, MO], 27 Nov. 1832, in JS Letterbook 1, pp. 1–2 [D&C 85:1–2, 5]; 2 Chronicles 17:9; 34:14; Nehemiah 9:3.
See also the entry for 29 June 1842, in which Richards transferred “this Journal” to his assistant William Clayton.
Pages 207–209, for example, contain such inscriptions. Willard Richards’s entry for 10 March 1842 also indicates contemporaneous inscription.
Brigham Young et al., “Baptism for the Dead,” Times and Seasons, 15 Dec. 1841, 3:626.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
JS, Journal, 8 Aug. 1842; see also Appendix 1.
The wages of the trustee-in-trust, committee members, and recorder were set at two dollars per day. (Clayton, History of the Nauvoo Temple, 34.)
Clayton, William. History of the Nauvoo Temple, ca. 1845. CHL. MS 3365.
Illinois law specified that every religious organization could elect up to ten trustees who would be legally responsible for the property of their institution. Under provisions of this act, JS earlier filed notice with the county recorder that on 30 January 1841 he was elected “Sole Trustee for said Church to hold my office during life.” (An Act concerning Religious Societies [6 Feb. 1835], Laws of the State of Illinois [1834–1835], pp. 147–148, sec. 1; Appointment, 2 Feb. 1841, Hancock Co., IL, Bonds and Mortgages, vol. 1, p. 95, microfilm 954,776, U.S. and Canada Record Collection, FHL.)
Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed by the Ninth General Assembly, at Their First Session, Commencing December 1, 1834, and Ending February 13, 1835. Vandalia, IL: J. Y. Sawyer, 1835.
The notice was published in the next issue of the Times and Seasons. (William Clayton, “To the Saints in Nauvoo, and Scattered Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1842, 3:957.)
The recorder’s office was at this time in JS’s red brick store. In November 1842 the office moved to a small new brick structure, called the “committee house,” near the temple. (JS, Journal, 2 Nov. 1842; William Clayton, “To the Saints in Nauvoo, and Scattered Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1842, 3:957; Clayton, History of the Nauvoo Temple, 35.)
Clayton, William. History of the Nauvoo Temple, ca. 1845. CHL. MS 3365.
Illinois governor Thomas Carlin.
Thomas Carlin’s proclamation is dated 20 September 1842. Governor Reynolds’s offer of a reward of $600—or $300 each for JS and Rockwell—was issued on 19 September 1842. (Thomas Carlin, Proclamation, 20 Sept. 1842; News item, Alton [IL] Telegraph and Democratic Review, 1 Oct. 1842, [2]; Leopard and Shoemaker, Messages and Proclamations, 524–525.)
Alton Telegraph and Democratic Review. Alton, IL. 1841–1850.
Leopard, Buel, and Floyd C. Shoemaker, comps. The Messages and Proclamations of the Governors of the State of Missouri. Vol. 1. Columbia, MO: State Historical Society of Missouri, 1922.
For many years following the organization of the church, the Saints performed baptisms for healing the sick. An epistle from the Quorum of the Twelve to church members dated 14 January 1845 described the original wooden font in the temple as being “for the baptism of the dead, the healing of the sick and other purposes.” (Brigham Young et al., “An Epistle of the Twelve,” Times and Seasons, 15 Jan. 1845, 6:779.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.