Letter from Paicouchaiby and Other Potawatomi, circa 14 August 1843, as Recorded in Clayton, Journal
Source Note
[Paicouchaiby and Other Potawatomi], Letter, [], to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, [ca. 14 Aug. 1843]. Version copied [ca. 28 Aug. 1843] in William Clayton, Journal, 25 Apr.1843–24 Sept. 1844, pp. [104]–[108]; handwriting of ; William Clayton, Journals, 1842–1846, CHL.
your goo[d]ness will let us know. the Last time we saw the Real (Red) french they use two [to] tel us how to do always we are like bline [blind] Pe[o]ple in this place, we want know what is the matter they want allways our Land then if wel do so how will com of us— you are our father we hope you tell us faier [fair] & throuth [through] of all this Bisiness one, the french & Anglis [English] as alle ways make charitey we hope you will be the same our cheffe [chief] are very onsisay for that matter to per asap let go our Land— we allways think to not let tet ted Go. your ad vise [p. [105]]