Letter from Paicouchaiby and Other Potawatomi, circa 14 August 1843, as Recorded in Clayton, Journal
Source Note
[Paicouchaiby and Other Potawatomi], Letter, [], to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, [ca. 14 Aug. 1843]. Version copied [ca. 28 Aug. 1843] in William Clayton, Journal, 25 Apr.1843–24 Sept. 1844, pp. [104]–[108]; handwriting of ; William Clayton, Journals, 1842–1846, CHL.
father is what we want, when I was a Boy I never think to lost our Land but now I am fare from my father. I am Bline— But stil we attend [intend] to not sel or Exchange no we shut our yeres [ears] to our frends ar on mis[si]on & opened tow [to] you— Miamis, Nahachaweth, Mesaocobet, Megette, chabortocke, thes[e] are Grate menes [men] not ch[i]efs but considarate, we think after you saw this lines father you will let us know by your hand what you think— if your think we must Kipe [keep] our Land your are with us we chant [shan’t] give up— if you say so— we are all aganst the ohe other Band, and [p. [106]]