See the full bibliographic entry for JS Collection, 1827–1844, in the CHL catalog.
JS’s journal records that a letter was sent to Clyde, Williams & Co. “giving a history of the faith of the chu[r]ch for their Book of Denom[i]nations” on 15 September 1843. This letter was a revised version of the 1842 document “Church History” sent to John Wentworth, the owner and publisher of the Chicago Democrat. The article was published in the 1844 book as a chapter titled “Latter Day Saints.” (JS, Journal, 15 Sept. 1843; “Church History,” 1 Mar. 1842; JS, “Latter Day Saints,” 1844; see also William W. Phelps, Historical Article, Sept. 1843, CHL.)
The facsimile was originally included in the second installment of the Book of Abraham. A loose broadside version of Facsimile 2 was later printed. (“The Book of Abraham,” Times and Seasons, 15 Mar. 1842, 3:719–722; “A Fac-simile from the Book of Abraham, No. 2.,” Second Issue, between ca. 15 Mar. 1842 and 1 Apr. 1843.)
The letter of inquiry Clyde, Williams & Co. sent to JS stated that the book would be titled He Pas‘Ecclesia, or The Whole Church of the United States. Upon publication, the book was titled He Pasa Ekklesia. An Original History of the Religious Denominations at Present Existing in the United States. (Letter from Clyde, Williams & Co., between ca. 1 and 15 July 1843; Rupp, He Pasa Ekklesia, title page.)
Rupp, Israel Daniel, ed. He Pasa Ekklesia [The Whole Church]: An Original History of the Religious Denominations at Present Existing in the United States, Contains Authentic Accounts of Their Rise, Progress, Statistics and Doctrines. Written Expressly for the Work by Eminent Theological Professors, Ministers, and Lay-Members, of the Respective Denominations. Projected, Compiled and Arranged by I. Daniel Rupp, of Lancaster, Pa. Philadelphia: J. Y. Humphreys; Harrisburg: Clyde and Williams, 1844.
According to the letter of inquiry, Clyde, Williams & Co. anticipated receiving an “account of the Rise and Progress, Faith and Practice” of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Letter from Clyde, Williams & Co., between ca. 1 and 15 July 1843.)
The meaning of this notation is unknown. It may refer to this letter being a response, or answer, to the July 1843 missive from publishing firm Clyde, Williams & Co. It may also refer to the letter that was eventually sent to Clyde, Williams & Co. on 15 September 1843, “giving a history of the faith of the chu[r]ch for their Book of Denom[i]nations.” Finally, it may refer to an unlocated or nonextant letter that Clyde, Williams & Co. wrote in response to this letter. (Letter from Clyde, Williams & Co., between ca. 1 and 15 July 1843; JS, Journal, 15 Sept. 1843.)