Crawley, Descriptive Bibliography, 1:94.
Crawley, Peter. A Descriptive Bibliography of the Mormon Church. 3 vols. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997–2012.
Brigham Young, “To the Elders and Churches Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360. Immediately following Young’s statement in the Times and Seasons was an editorial from Woodruff to the elders and church members encouraging readers to assist in “circulating the Times and Seasons and [Nauvoo] Neighbor far and wide, to the extent of your influence.” (Wilford Woodruff, Editorial, Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
The 15 October issue contained a letter dated 2 December 1843. (Francis Edwards, Nauvoo, IL, to John Taylor, [Nauvoo, IL], 2 Dec. 1843, in Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:354.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
The Times and Seasons article on the Avery kidnappings summarized content from articles and affidavits dated 18–20 December 1843. (“Kidnapping,” Times and Seasons, 1 Nov. 1843, 4:375–376; “Kidnapping,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 20 Dec. 1843, [2]; Affidavit from Andrew and James Hamilton, 20 Dec. 1843, JS Office Papers, CHL.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
See Psalm 133:2–3.
In previous discourses, JS tacitly taught that a unified membership could produce decisions in their conferences that were tantamount to his revelations and translations. (Darowski, “Seeking after the Ancient Order,” 100–104.)
Darowski, Joseph F. “Seeking After the Ancient Order: Conferences and Councils in Early Church Governance, 1830–34.” In Brigham Young University Church History Symposium; A Firm Foundation: Church Organization and Administration, edited by David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr, 97–113. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011.
William Morgan’s exposé on Freemasonry indicates that the phrase “worthy and well qualified” was employed in Masonic ritual. (Morgan, Illustrations of Masonry, 18, 33, 46.)
Morgan, William. Illustrations of Masonry, by One of the Fraternity, Who Has Devoted Thirty Years to the Subject. Batavia, NY: By the author, 1826.
See 1 John 3:14.
See Proverbs 25:11.
See Revelation 17:14.
See Matthew 5:6. Brigham Young referenced the same scriptural passage in his letter published in the Times and Seasons the previous month. (Brigham Young, “To the Elders and Churches Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
See James 1:27.