Crawley, Descriptive Bibliography, 1:94.
Crawley, Peter. A Descriptive Bibliography of the Mormon Church. 3 vols. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997–2012.
Brigham Young, “To the Elders and Churches Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360. Immediately following Young’s statement in the Times and Seasons was an editorial from Woodruff to the elders and church members encouraging readers to assist in “circulating the Times and Seasons and [Nauvoo] Neighbor far and wide, to the extent of your influence.” (Wilford Woodruff, Editorial, Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
The 15 October issue contained a letter dated 2 December 1843. (Francis Edwards, Nauvoo, IL, to John Taylor, [Nauvoo, IL], 2 Dec. 1843, in Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:354.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
The Times and Seasons article on the Avery kidnappings summarized content from articles and affidavits dated 18–20 December 1843. (“Kidnapping,” Times and Seasons, 1 Nov. 1843, 4:375–376; “Kidnapping,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 20 Dec. 1843, [2]; Affidavit from Andrew and James Hamilton, 20 Dec. 1843, JS Office Papers, CHL.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
JS’s words, instruction, revelations, and history were regular fixtures in the Times and Seasons. JS last published letters to the editors of the Times and Seasons in February and May 1843. (“To the Saints of God,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1842, 3:951–952; Letter to Editor, 28 Feb. 1843; Letter to Editor, ca. 20 May 1843; see also, for example, “Special Conference,” Times and Seasons, 1 May 1843, 4:181–185.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Brigham Young, “To the Elders and Churches Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360; Wilford Woodruff, Editorial, Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360–361.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
In the Times and Seasons prospectus, the founding editors, Ebenezer Robinson and Don Carlos Smith, stated a similar mission for the paper. They wrote that the paper’s columns would be filled with “those principles that are calculated to make men happy in this world, and secure unto them eternal life in that which is to come.” (Ebenezer Robinson and Don Carlos Smith, “Prospectus of the Times and Seasons,” Times and Seasons, Nov. 1839, 1:16.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
See Matthew 7:16. Brigham Young referenced the same scriptural passage in his letter published in the Times and Seasons the previous month. (Brigham Young, “To the Elders and Churches Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
See Browne, Religio Medici, sec. 4.
Browne, Thomas. Religio Medici. [London]: Andrew Crooke, 1642
In the previous issue of the Times and Seasons, Brigham Young wrote that in Nauvoo one could find “the best news, the best people, and the best plan of salvation.” This optimism about Nauvoo’s prospects was also reflected in the October 1840 “Report from the Presidency,” which indicated that Zion, or in this case Nauvoo, would “become the praise, the joy, and the glory of the whole earth” as well as “the song of praise, glory, honor and majesty to him that setteth upon the throne.” (Brigham Young, “To the Elders and Churches Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Oct. 1843, 4:360; Report of the First Presidency, 4 Oct. 1840.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
See John 13:34; and Leviticus 19:18.
Compare Ephesians 4:11.
See Luke 10:32.
See Matthew 20:12.
Matthew 25 contains Jesus Christ’s parables of the ten virgins and the talents, as well as teachings on the Son of Man’s judgment of the nations. The answer to JS’s question likely appears at the end of Matthew 25, where Jesus indicates that those who have not assisted others in need will suffer “everlasting punishment.” (Matthew 25:41–46.)
See Psalm 133:1.