JS, Letter, , Hancock Co., IL, to , , Lake Co., OH, 18 Jan. 1844; handwriting of ; notation in handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; JS Collection, CHL.
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January 18. 1844
Dear Brother
Your letter of the 1st. instant was received last evening, its contents have been duly considered and I now proceed to reply.
I have also received a letter from requesting me to let him have the place &c I shall answer his letter this morning. At the same time I want you to take measures to remove him from the farm forthwith, for I am tired of hearing the report of its liability to be sold for taxes &c I consider that he has treated me mean, and I am under no obligations to let him have the place on any terms, and do not intend he shall have it. I also want you to use all necessary means to collect that portion of the rent which is due from him, although I have little hopes of your being able to do much with him, but collect it if you can.
You had better rent the place to some responsible person who will give sufficient securities for the rent, at the same time binding them to keep all the Taxes regularly paid, and also to keep the place in sufficient repair. For if you do not put the person under sufficient bonds who rents the place, to pay the Taxes regularly you will be for ever harassed with arrearages and the land will be sold and consequently adding cost to cost until it use up the principal.
There is a straight way to do all things and it is invariably the safest and the best, and when good security is given, for a sufficient amount, there is no further trouble, or anxiety about the danger of losing either rent, or having it sold for Taxes.
As to the idea of suffering a part of it to be sold for Taxes, it is very far from meeting with my approbation, I do not want it to be sold on any pretext whatever, and lest there is a possibility that some part of it may have already been sold I wish you to make every necessary enquiry and see that it is all right and safe.
As to the choice of a person for a tenant I leave that to your own judgment, only be careful to have writings sufficiently strong to keep the premises safe and free from further trouble if possible, It matters little to me who occupies the premises so that the property is not wasted or destroyed, and the rent is duly paid.
We are doing well in , the is in a flourishing condition, and it is a time of general good health, with some few exceptions.
Our enemies occasionally boil over, and vent their foam and rage; but it all blows over easy and we are now enjoying a pleasant calm.
The work prospers as ever, and the kindness of the God whom we serve, in preserving us and blessing us with good things causes our hearts to rejoice from day to day.
Praying that God may bless you and give you wisdom to do all things for the best I close for the present, in the mean time I remain as ever your undeviating friend and brother in the .