1843 | ||
February 11th. No 81 | Deed to for part of Lot 1 Block 2 of s add. dated December 13th. 1841 | Recorded Book A. Pages 73 & 74 |
21 No 82 | Joseph Smith Deed to for Lot 1 Block 148 city of dated July 14th. 1841 | Recorded Book A. Pages 74 & 75 |
22nd. No 83 | ’s Mortgage to H[arvey] Tate on Two-horse Carriage dated Feby 2nd. 1843 no rec | Recorded Book A. Pages 75 & 76 |
23rd. No 84 | John J. Hicok Deed to , and for part of L 12 B 3 of s addition to dated June 14th. 1842 | Recorded Book A Pages 76 & 77 |
23rd. No 85 | Joseph Smith Deed to for N. W. ¼ of Lot 1 Block 157 of the city of Dated April 26th. 1842 | Recorded Book A. Pages 77 & 78 |
March 3rd. No 86 | Joseph Smith’s Deed to George A. Smith Jr for Lot 4 in B123 of dated Jany 16th. 1843 | Recorded Book A Pages 78 & 79 |
March 3rd. No 87 | Deed to Sabra Gribble for Lots No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 B 36 in s Addition to the city of dated Janry 10th. 1843 | Recorded Book A Pages 79 & 80 |
March 3rd. No. 88 | Deed to for Pt. of L No. 70 & 71 in B No. 2 in City of . Dated Feby 14th. 1843 | Recorded Book A Pages 80, 81 & 82 |
6th. No 89 | Ethan Kimball’s Deed to for L51 B 4 of s add. dated Feby 10th. 1843 | Recorded Book A Pages 82 & 83 |
William Clayton handwriting ends; James Whitehead begins.
James Whitehead handwriting ends; William Clayton begins.
William Clayton handwriting ends; James Whitehead begins.
James Whitehead handwriting ends; William Clayton begins.
William Clayton handwriting ends; James Whitehead begins.
James Whitehead handwriting ends; William Clayton begins.
William Clayton handwriting ends; James Whitehead begins.
James Whitehead handwriting ends; William Clayton begins.
William Clayton handwriting ends; James Whitehead begins.