General Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion met according to adjournment at the Lodge Room at 10 o’clock A. M. The former minutes read and approved.
General President.
Major was appointed Secretary.
Resolved that the Committee of revision be allowed each one dollar and fifty cents per day for their services while acting as such.
The question of taking the warrant from was again taken up and on motion of .
Resolved That ’s bail be exhonorated from any responsibility for any fines not collected and <but> that they be held accountable for all fines collected and not paid over according to law.
The report of the committee on the claim of was made and excepted [accepted].
The report of the committee of revis revision was next made by General asking more time to complete the revision of the law.
Resolved That the Committee of revision have till the Second Saturday in July to [p. 34]