See Minutes, 3 Feb. 1841.
Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 21 Oct. 1843, 67; 8 Dec. 1843, 9.
Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 1843–1844. Nauvoo Legion, Records, 1841–1845. CHL. MS 3430, fd. 1.
“City Nauvoo Divided into Four Militia Districts,” 12 Mar. 1842; “Resolution of Court Martial,” 12 Mar. 1842, Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
A month after the city of Nauvoo was created, the city council passed an ordinance dividing Nauvoo into four municipal wards of roughly equal size. The boundary lines that divided the city into four quadrants were Wells Street (running north and south) and Knight Street (running east and west). The wards were numbered clockwise beginning with the northwest ward. (Minutes, 1 Mar. 1841; Nauvoo City Council Minute Book, 1 Mar. 1841, 9–10.)
At the highest organizational level the Nauvoo Legion was divided into two cohorts, the first being a “horse” (or mounted cavalry) unit and the second a “foot” (or infantry) unit. The two cohorts were then divided into regiments, which were composed of battalions that were in turn composed of companies. (Minutes, 3 Feb. 1841; see also “Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers.”)