See Minutes, 3 Feb. 1841.
Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 21 Oct. 1843, 67; 8 Dec. 1843, 9.
Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 1843–1844. Nauvoo Legion, Records, 1841–1845. CHL. MS 3430, fd. 1.
“City Nauvoo Divided into Four Militia Districts,” 12 Mar. 1842; “Resolution of Court Martial,” 12 Mar. 1842, Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
As reported in the text that follows, section 3 of the “Ordinance No. 1” that was passed during this same court-martial stipulated that the legion hold a general parade on the Fourth of July and on the first Saturdays in May and September of each year.
Wilber was commissioned as a captain in the legion’s Second (infantry) Cohort, First Regiment, First Battalion, Second Company, on 1 May 1841. (“1841 Abstract of Miltitay [Military] Return to Adgt. Genl,” 14 June 1841, Illinois Governor’s Correspondence, 1816–1852, Illinois State Archives, Springfield.)
Illinois Governor’s Correspondence, 1816–1852. Illinois State Archives, Springfield.