See Minutes, 3 Feb. 1841.
Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 21 Oct. 1843, 67; 8 Dec. 1843, 9.
Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 1843–1844. Nauvoo Legion, Records, 1841–1845. CHL. MS 3430, fd. 1.
“City Nauvoo Divided into Four Militia Districts,” 12 Mar. 1842; “Resolution of Court Martial,” 12 Mar. 1842, Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Mandatory militia service obligations, including information about age ranges of those required to serve, outfitting of soldiers, and schedules of minimum mustering requirements, were codified and explained in detail in Illinois state law. (See An Act Organizing the Militia of This State [2 Mar. 1833], Public and General Statute Laws of the State of Illinois, pp. 469–498.)
The Public and General Statute Laws of the State of Illinois: Containing All the Laws . . . Passed by the Ninth General Assembly, at Their First Session, Commencing December 1, 1834, and Ending February 13, 1835; and at Their Second Session, Commencing December 7, 1835, and Ending January 18, 1836; and Those Passed by the Tenth General Assembly, at Their Session Commencing December 5, 1836, and Ending March 6, 1837; and at Their Special Session, Commencing July 10, and Ending July 22, 1837. . . . Compiled by Jonathan Young Scammon. Chicago: Stephen F. Gale, 1839.