Minutes, 2 August 1842 [City of Nauvoo v. W. Thompson]
Source Note
Minutes, [, Hancock Co., IL], 2 Aug. 1842, City of Nauvoo v. W. Thompson (Nauvoo, IL, Mayor’s Court 1842); handwriting of ; docket by ; four pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL.
Alexdr Stephens— Was in a Room in Mrs Browns House heard the Voice, (one Scream,) went out, heard the voice, & Jackson were abt 1/2 way to Prisrs House, he followed, got to see into Window, put his head into Window, & ordered Door to be opd, Prisr did so.— Prisr answered as stated, & was in Tears, & said he wanted to kiss her— accused Pr of attempting a Rape, he gave the lie <& got an old Spade or ash Shovel>, got him down, he threatened that he would catch it thereafter.
— stept out of his House <abt 120 yds from Prs House> abt time affray took place, abt 200 yds, he ran to House, he saw & as going. ordered Door opened or he wd break it.— was in distress & her Clothes ruffled, & Bed tossed, she appeared in distress saw Pr intoxicated a good many times, & did not appear intoxicated at this time.— nor as he did <appear> on former occasions.—
Stephen Page— Saw at Prs door,— had first heard a female Voice, Screach out, distance abt 60 yards.— [p. [2]]