Revelation, 26 Apr. 1838 [D&C 115:7–8].
Revelation, 26 Apr. 1838 [D&C 115:18].
Minutes, 7–8 Apr. 1838; Corrill, Brief History, 28; JS, Journal, 18 May–1 June 1838; Lyman Wight, Mountain Valley, TX, to Wilford Woodruff, [Salt Lake City], 24 Aug. 1857, p. 9, Historian’s Office, Histories of the Twelve, 1856–1858, 1861, CHL.
Historian’s Office. Histories of the Twelve, 1856–1858, 1861. CHL. CR 100 93.
JS, Journal, 18 May–1 June 1838; see also Swartzell, Mormonism Exposed, 11–12.
Swartzell, William. Mormonism Exposed, Being a Journal of a Residence in Missouri from the 28th of May to the 20th of August, 1838, Together with an Appendix, Containing the Revelation concerning the Golden Bible, with Numerous Extracts from the ‘Book of Covenants,’ &c., &c. Pekin, OH: By the author, 1840.
Sample of Pure Language, between ca. 4 and ca. 20 Mar. 1832; see also William W. Phelps, Kirtland, OH, to Sally Waterman Phelps, Liberty, MO, 26 May 1835, William W. Phelps, Papers, BYU.
Phelps, William W. Papers, 1835–1865. BYU.
JS returned to Far West on 24 May. On 28 May, JS was headed north of Far West to scout out further locations for settlement. He returned again to Far West on 1 June, the day before the birth of his son Alexander Hale Smith. (JS, Journal, 18 May–1 June 1838.)
JS History, vol. B-1, 799; see also “Record Book A,” in Sherwood, Record Book, CHL.
Sherwood, Henry G. Record Book, ca. 1838–1844. CHL.
John Smith, Journal, 16 June 1838; JS History, vol. B-1, addenda, 6nV.
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
Swartzell, Mormonism Exposed, 13. This passage in Swartzell’s publication may be a retrospective expansion on his original journal entry. John Smith wrote in his journal that JS “called thelders to gether.” (John Smith, Journal, 28 June 1838.)
Swartzell, William. Mormonism Exposed, Being a Journal of a Residence in Missouri from the 28th of May to the 20th of August, 1838, Together with an Appendix, Containing the Revelation concerning the Golden Bible, with Numerous Extracts from the ‘Book of Covenants,’ &c., &c. Pekin, OH: By the author, 1840.
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
John Smith, Journal, 26 June 1838.
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
Barnes was appointed clerk for the high council and the stake at the end of the conference.
The Zion high council had decided to publish meeting minutes in the Elders’ Journal when deemed proper. Four sets of minutes were published in the July issue. (Minutes, 21 Apr. 1838; Elders’ Journal, July 1838, 44–47.)
) | Clerks, |
Isaac Perry.) |
In addition to the church members in Adam-ondi-Ahman, groups of Saints had settled in southern Daviess County at Marrowbone Creek, Honey Creek, Lick Fork, and possibly other locations. (History of Daviess County, Missouri, 188–190; Berrett, Sacred Places, 4:358, 366–370, 493–496.)
The History of Daviess County, Missouri. An Encyclopedia of Useful Information, and a Compendium of Actual Facts. . . . Kansas City, MO: Birdsall and Dean, 1882.
Berrett, LaMar C., ed. Sacred Places: A Comprehensive Guide to Early LDS Historical Sites. 6 vols. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1999–2007.
John Smith and Reynolds Cahoon had previously served in the church presidency in Kirtland. (John Smith and Clarissa Lyman Smith, Kirtland, OH, to George A. Smith, Shinnston, VA, 1 Jan. 1838, George Albert Smith, Papers, CHL; Hepzibah Richards, Kirtland, OH, to Willard Richards, Bedford, England, 18–19 Jan. 1838, Willard Richards, Papers, CHL; see also Shurtleff and Cahoon, Reynolds Cahoon, 4.)
Smith, George Albert. Papers, 1834–1877. CHL. MS 1322.
Richards, Willard. Journals and Papers, 1821–1854. CHL.
Shurtleff, Stella Cahoon, and Brent Farrington Cahoon, comps. Reynolds Cahoon and His Stalwart Sons: Utah Pioneers. Salt Lake City: Paragon Press, 1960.
Knight previously served as a counselor to Bishop Newel K. Whitney in Kirtland. Knight may have been appointed as the temporary bishop pending Whitney’s arrival. (Minutes, 13 Jan. 1836; Minutes, 3 Sept. 1837; see also Revelation, 8 July 1838–E [D&C 117].)
The men were probably numbered by casting lots, as had been done at the organizations of the Ohio and Missouri high councils in 1834. The numbers were used in council meetings to determine speaking order. (Minutes, 17 Feb. 1834; Minutes and Discourse, ca. 7 July 1834.)
The high councils of the church were to be composed of high priests. George A. Smith later recounted that he was ordained a high priest on this occasion by John Lemon. John Smith noted in his journal that after the appointment of the presidency and high council, “the Council decides that I must live in the city and see to the affairs of the church.” (George A. Smith, Autobiography, 71; John Smith, Journal, 28 June 1838; see also Revelation, 11 Nov. 1831–B [D&C 107:79]; and Minutes, 17 Feb. 1834.)
Smith, George A. Autobiography, ca. 1860–1882. George Albert Smith, Papers, 1834–1877. CHL. MS 1322, box 1, fd. 2.
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
JS offered similar instruction when he organized the high councils in Kirtland and Missouri in 1834. (Minutes, 17 Feb. 1834; Minutes, 19 Feb. 1834; Minutes and Discourse, ca. 7 July 1834.)
Hymn 23, Collection of Sacred Hymns, 29–30. “Adam-ondi-Ahman” was written by William W. Phelps in 1835. (“Adam-ondi-Ahman,” LDS Messenger and Advocate, June 1835, 1:144.)
Latter Day Saints’ Messenger and Advocate. Kirtland, OH. Oct. 1834–Sept. 1837.
The primary definition of benediction in Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary is “the act of blessing; a giving praise to God or rendering thanks for his favors; a blessing pronounced.” (“Benediction,” in American Dictionary.)
An American Dictionary of the English Language: Intended to Exhibit, I. the Origin, Affinities and Primary Signification of English Words, as far as They Have Been Ascertained. . . . Edited by Noah Webster. New York: S. Converse, 1828.