Nauvoo high council, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 3 July 1840. Version copied [ca. 3 July 1840] in Nauvoo High Council Minutes, rough copy, 11–12; handwriting of ; CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 3 July 1840
Page 12
Resolved— that the funds of the City plot shall not be taken to provide for the or clerks, but that the be instructed to raise funds from other sources to meet the calls made on him. And that all monies received for lots shall be deposited in the hands of the treasurer to liquidate the debts of the City plot.)—
Resolved that the shall have a stipulated sum for his servises for transacting the buisness of the city plot and that he recieve the sum of twenty-six dollars pr month for his said servises.—
Resolved— That the remaining items of buisness relative to the memorial before the shall be laid over to be taken up again at the next Council Adjourned.