Special Session, Names of members called, Prayer by . Minutes of the last 2 councils read and approved,— object of the council stated by Mayor similar to the last council <wherein> considered himself & & are in danger.— when he heard the report he was unwilling to believe any thing about it from the course the thing took in the last council.— But for the sake of others he had called this council.
going home the other night was hailed by a policeman and, and <who> frightened him, <A> Policeman told that & must not cross his tracks. That said at another <time> that & were enemies to Joseph.— &c.— I have never thought not even to dream of doing any thing against the peace of this . Did not know I have any enemies. have been at home. heard <but> little did not know there was so much evil surm[i]sing in the ,— My long forbearance to my enemies ought to be sufficient testimony of my d peaceful Disposition towards all, It occurred to my mind that it was not fear, but got up for effect, but I do not know it,— I want the council to investigate
sworn testified Monday evening came up & said are you aware of the danger you are in? , No! [p. 36]