thereof untill a decision shall be had thereon, as aforesaid, after which the presiding officer of the board shall certify to the officer, who may have appointed the same, which of the contending parties is entitled to the office; and such sucsesful party shall then be commissioned as in other cases. Provided, That no exceptions shall be allowed to be taken to the election of any officer, unless the same be done within ten days after such election shall have been held.
Sec. 18. That the presiding officer of any board, which may, at any time, be appointed, to pass upon a contested election, as aforesaid, shall have power, at the request of either party, to send for and examine witnesses; and and if any witness, when properly summoned, shall refuse or neglect to attend any such board, as aforesaid, without a reasonable excuse, it shall be the duty of the presiding officer, as aforesaid, to turn such witness over as a delinquent, to the next regular court of inquiry, having proper jurisdiction who shall thereupon proceed to acquit, or to assess the fine of such witness, as circumstances shall require, in like manner as is prescribed against delinquents, for failing to attend general muster, when legally required so to do.
Sec. 19. That all oaths of office, to be taken by the officers of this , shall be, as near as may be, in the following form, to wit: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm,) that I will support the constitution of the and of this , and that I will not be [p. 46]