engaged in dueling, either directly or indirectly during my continuance in office; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of [blank], in the [blank] of the of militia, to the best of my skill and understanding,— So help me God” which said oath shall be certified on the back of the commission or certificate, (as the case may be,) by the officer administering the same.
Sec. 20. That the Legion shall parade in the following manner, to wit: each company in the Legion shall hold a company parade on the first Saturday, each Battalion a Battalion parade on the second Saturday, and each Regiment a Regimental parade on the third Saturday of May, annually, at such places as the commandants of the said companies, Battalions, & Regiments respectively may direct, by giving at least ten days public notice, by advertiseing— the same in three publick places. Provided the parades as aforesaid be in the bounds of said company, Battalion, or Regiment, and Provided also that the Brigadiers General of each Cohort or Brigade may have the <power> to change the day of the Regimental parades to suit his own convenience, as a reviewing officer, and Provided also, that the time of such parade shall be not less than one week before the court of assessments, and the court of assessment of fines shall be held on the first Saturday in June.
Sec. 21. That there shall also be a company parade on the first Saturday, a Cohort or Bragade parade on the second Saturday in, and a Legion parade on the third Saturday in September annually, and the officer drills for said Cohort and Legion parades shall be on the days previously thereto respectively, [p. 47]