and all officers in the City of or within ten miles thereof shall be required to attend said drills, except such officers as reside beyond said limits, who shall be exempt from duty on the day of the Cohort officer drill, except commandants of companies and field officers. Provided, also that Chaplains shall be exempt from duty on the days of the officer drills, as aforesaid.
Sec. 22. That companies, Battalions, and Regiments shall be formed for parade at 10 o clock A. M. at which hour the roll shall be called and shall be required to perform not less than four nor more than six hours duty each day, as aforesaid, Provided, however that on days of Cohort and parades the commandants thereof may have power to order the time and place of holding the parades, as aforesaid, as they may deem proper
Sec. 23. That there shall be a Legion or Division court of inquiry and assessment of fines, to be composed of the Major General as president, the Brigadier General, the Drill officer, and the Chief Musician as members; and the Adjutant General as Secretary. It shall be the duty of said court to assess fines on all the delinquent officers, non-commissioned officers and musicians belonging to the Band, on all officers drill parades and also all delinquent General officers or any of their Staff, or any member of the Band, on all Cohort or Legion parades, in conformity to the provisions of this act. [p. 48]