Sec. 24. That there shall be a Regimental court of inquiry and assessment of fines, in each regiment, to be composed of the Colonels as president, the Lieutenant Colonel, Major, and Captains as members; and the Adjutant as secretary. It shall be the duty of said court to assess fines on all delinquent officers, non-commissioned officers musicians and privates belonging to such Regiment in conformity to the provisions of this act.
Sec. 25. That it shall like wise be the duty of each court of assessment, to fine any of member of said court who does not attend the same according to the provisions of this act.
Sec. 26. That each court of assessment shall meet at 10 o’ clock A. M. and continue in session from day to day, untill all the buisness shall be finished; at such places as the Presidents respectively may appoint on the Regimental and parades, and it shall be the duty of all delinquents so returned, to appear without further notice at said court, to make a lawful excuse if any they have; and should any person feel themselves agrieved, by the decision of said court, they may appeal to the president of the Board for a new hearing, who, on receiving satisfactory evidence that it is just, grant the same, by giving an order to the collector to suspend the collection of such fines, and if the person so applying for a new hearing shall fail to attend at the next court of assessment, or shall not be able to show cause why he should not be fined, it shall be the duty of said court to issue their warrant anew for the amount, with an addition of twenty per-cent.
Sec 27 That the presiding officer of each board shall cause the secretary of the same to keep a record [p. 49]