according to evidence, the matter now before you, between the , the state of , or the , (as the case may be) and A. B. (the person to be tried) and that you will truly administer justice, according to law, without partiality, favor or affection, according to your conscience and the best of your understanding, and and the customs of war in like cases, and that you will not divulge the sentence of the court, untill it shall be published by the proper authority; neither will you discover the vote or opinion of any member of the court unless required to give evidence thereof in a court of justice.” The judge advocate shall prosecute in the name of the , the State of , or the Nauvoo Legion (as the case may be) but shall so far consider himself council for the person accused as to object to any leading questions being put to them or any witness which might tend to criminate himself; he shall also see that right and justice shall be done to the accused. All persons giving evidence before a court martial are to be examined on oath, in the following manner, “You do swear (or affirm) that the evidence that you give shall be the truth the and nothing but the truth.” The court shall have power to punish its members, or any person attending the same, for disorderly conduct, as in other cases; and in giving their votes on any subject, to begin with the lowest in rank: Provided, That the party tried by such court martial shall be entitled to a copy of the Sentence and the proceedings of the court in his case, after the decision and sentence, upon demand thereof whether such sentence be approved or not: Provided, also, That all sentences of any such court martial shall be submitted to the officer ordering the same, who shall have power to approve or disapprove of the sentence of any such court; also [p. 55]