Sec. 34. That the Adjutant General or Division Inspector be allowed the sum of five dollars for each regiment he shall actually inspect, by order of the Major General of the , on the certificate of the Major General: the Cohort or Brigade Major the sum of ten dollars, annually, for each Battalion in the Cohort or Brigade to which he belongs, on the certificate of the Brigadier General, to be paid out of the State treasurey.
Sec. 35. That the Band shall consist of not more than thirty, and shall be allowed <required> to parade on each Cohort and Legion parades and each officer drill; and shall be allowed twenty dollars for each Cohort and Legion parade
Sec 36 That all companies shall be required to uniform themselves within one year from the passage of this act and after that time all companies, of the same grade shall take rank according to the times of their being uniformed and not otherwise.
Sec. 37. That it shall be the duty of every officer belonging to the Legion, who may have occasion to leave the bounds of the Legion for more than one month, at any time to notify the officer next in command, in writing on the subject, ordering him that in consequence of his absence, he is required to do the duties which were enjoined on himself untill he shall return; also the post of any staff officer, merely acting by appointment and not commissioned, be considered vacated in consequence of neglect of duty and another may be appointed to fill his post.
Sec. 38 That each Regimental or Battalion Adjutant [p. 56]