shall receive, annually, from the treasurey of the , two dollars for each company in their respective Regiments or Battalion, on condition of the faithful performance of their duty, on the certificate of their Colonel, or Major and that the record Books of the Adjutants shall be open to the inspection of their respective field and general officers
Sec. 39. That the Adjutant General or Division Inspector shall be allowed thirty dollars and the Chief Musician ten dollars, annually, in consideration of the faithful performance of their respective duties, on the certificate of the Major General.
Sec. 40. That the officers, composing the courts of inquiry and assessment of fines, shall be allowed for their services, one dollar each per day to be certified by the presiding officer of the board.
Sec. 41. That all disbursments made pursuant to this act shall be paid out of any money in the treasurey not otherwise appropriated.
Sec. 42. That the Major General may issue bills of credit to the amount of five hundred dollars, to be signed by himself or the Lieutenant General or both at their discretion, and countersigned by the Paymaster General of the Legion, and redeemable out of any money in the treasurey not other wise appropriated.
Sec. 43. That the collector of fines be required to give bonds to the pay master General of the Legion, to the amount of five hundred dollars, with approved security within ten days from the passage of this act.
Sec. 44. That there shall be a General Court Martial, of the Nauvoo Legion, held on the third Saturday in October, annually, to continue in session, by adjournments, untill all buisness before it shall be finished, at such time and place as the Lieutenant and Major Generals may appoint.
Sec. 45. That the Lieutenant and Major Generals may have power to call a special session of the General Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion, and also, to order out the Legion at any time when they may deem [p. 57]