proper; and for non-attendance on such orders, delinquents shall be fined as in other cases of General parade.
Sec. 46 That it shall be the duty of the commanding <commandants> of the several parades, as above provided, to give, at least ten days notice thereof by advertizement in three public places, except in cases of a special call.
Sec. 47. That it shall be the duty of the Lieutenant General, to review the at least once every year.
Sec. 48 That it shall be the duty of the Major General to take command on all Legion parades and all Legion officer drills, also to act as reviewing officer at Cohort Parades at least once each year, to cause the Adjutant General or Division Inspector to record all general orders, also all reports and rank rolls received annually from the several Cohorts or Brigades, and when required by the Commander in Chief of the , to make out Legion or Division returns and rank rolls to be forwarded to the Adjutant General of the , also, to preside in all General Courts Martial of the Legion, also to issue enlisting orders for raising new companies at his discretion; to cause the Adjutant General of the Legion to apply for, and recieve commissions, at least every six months; and to do and perform all other duties that in any wise appertain to the office of major General.
Sec 49. That it shall be the duty of the Brigadier Generals, to review the several Regiments and odd Battalions composing their respective Cohorts or Brigades, annually, at the Regimental musters, and to cause their respective Brigade Majors to record all reports recieved, annually from the several Regiments and odd Battalions [p. 58]