composing their command, and to make out a consolodated Cohort or Brigade return therefrom and forward one to the Major General of the or Division, and one to the Adjutant General of the on or before the first day of December, annually, and to do and perform all other duties which may be necessary to the perfection of dicipline, or which may in any wise appertain to the office of Brigadier General.
Sec 50 That it shall be the duty of the Colonels commanding Regiments and Majors commanding odd Battalions, to mak[e] from the several officers commanding Battalions or companies, a complete return of their respective commands on the day of the Regimental parades, annually, to cause their adjutants to record all returns so recieved, also all orders recieved or issued by themselves, and to make out a Regimental return and rank roll and forward it to the Brigadier General of their respective Cohorts or Brigades by the first day of October, annually, also to be responsible for the good order of their respective Regiments or odd Battalions, and cause to be executed the laws and orders applicable to their commands, and to do and perform all other duties belonging to their respective offices.
Sec. 51. That it shall be the duty of Lieutenant Colonels and Majors commanding Battalions, to assume the command at all musters of their respective Battalions, to require of the officers commanding companies, annual returns on the day of the Battalion parade, and on the day of the Regimenatl musters, deliver said returns to their respective Colonels, and do and perform all other duties which may in any wise appertain to their office.
Sec. 52 That it shall be the duty of Captains or Commandants of companies to take command of their respective companies at all Company Battalion, Regimental, Cohort or Brigade, Legion or Division parades at the hour specified by the [p. 59]