provisions of this act; and to cause the roll of their respective companies to be called under their immediate inspection; noting all delinquents at any such muster upon the company roll or report of delinquents, made out by them for that purpose, which roll or list shall be returned by them to the appropriate court of assessment of fines, and to do and perform all other duties apperta[in]ing to the office of captain.
Sec. 53 That in all cases of the death, removal, absence, or resignation of any superior officer, it shall be the duty of the next officer in rank attached to the same corps to assume the command and perform all the duties, that would have devolved on any such commanding officer were he present, and to exercise the same untill such superior shall return, or the vacancy be filled agrably [agreeably] to the provisions of this act, in like manner if it should happen at any time that there is no commanding <commissioned> officer belon[g]ing to any Company, it shall be the duty of the Senior non-commissioned officer of Such company to assume the command, under the same penalties that any Superior officer of a Company would be were he present for any neglect of duty.
Sec 54. That it shall be the duty of the Inspector General of the , to inspect the Legion when called upon by the Lieutenant General and do and performs all other duties that in any wise appertain to the office of Inspector General
Sec. 55. That it shall be the duty of the drill officer to take command of the Lieutenant General’s guard at all times when they are called out, and note and return all delinquents, under his command according to the provisions of this act.
Sec 56. That it shall be the duty of the Adjutant General or [p. 60]