Division Inspector to distribute all orders from the Major General of the , or Adjutant General of the ; attend all reviews with the Major <General> to act as drill officer at all Legion or Division officer drills, under the Major General, to record all orders recieved or issued by the Major General, all returns returns and rank rolls recieved annually from the Cohorts or Brigades, also to make out Division returns when required by the Major General or any Superior officer, also to act as clerk at all elections ordered by the Major General; to form the Legion and call the roll of the Major General’s Staff under his inspection at all Legion parades, and to perform such other duties as may in any wise appertain to his office.
Sec 57. That it shall be the duty of the Quarter Master General of the Legion to apply for and recieve all arms that are or may become due to the Legion from the , to deposite all arms so recieved, or which may have heretofore been recieved and not otherwise disposed of in some safe place, also to employ means to preserve all such arms from damage as, in his opinion may from time to time become necessary, to furnish, when required so to do by his superior officer, a full exhibit of all arms in his possession, belonging to the , also to do and perform all other duties that may in any wise appertain to the office of Quarter Master General.
Sec. 58 That it shall be the duty of the Paymaster General of the Legion, with in twenty days from the passage of this act, to give bonds, with sufficient security, to the amount of five thousand dollars, to the General Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion, for the due performances of his duty, it shall also be his duty to recieve all moneys belonging to the Legion according to the provisions of this act, which Shall only be paid out upon the certificate of the Major General approved by the Lieutenant General, or by an act [p. 61]