of the general Court Martial, to attend all General Courts Martial, and lay before it an account of the finances of the , stating particularly all monies recieved and paid out, with his several proceedings relative to the duties of his office, and all accounts so exhibited and settled by the Court Martial, shall be entered by the secretary on the record book of the Court Martial, and do and perform such other duties as may in any wise appertain to his office.
Sec. 59. That it shall be the duty of the Chief Musician to cause the roll to be called, of the band under his inspection on each day which they may <are> required to parade and make returns of all delinquents to the Legion Court of assessments and do and perform all duties that in any wise appertain to his office.
Sec. 60 That it shall be the duty of the Brigade Major to attend all Regimental musters composing their respective Cohorts or Brigades, to inspect the army and equipments of all officers and privates at every such muster, also to record all orders recieved or issued by the Brigadier General, also all returns and rank rolls recieved, annually, from the several Regiments composing their respective Cohorts or Brigades in a General order book kept for that purpose, to consolidate the annual returns and rank rolls recieved form the several officers commanding Regiments in their Cohorts or Brigades, into a Brigade return, agreeably to the requirements of the law, and on or before the first day of December, annually, transmit one copy to the Major General of the Legion and one to the Adjutant General of the , also to attend all elections ordered by the Brigadier General as Clerk of the same, also to form their respective [p. 62]