Cohorts or Brigades and call the roll of the Brigadier General’s staff under his inspection, at all Cohort and parades, also to act as drill officer at all Cohort or Brigade officer drills under the Brigadier General, to distribute all general orders, and to do and perform all duties as may in any wise be necessary for the <perfection of> dicipline also <and> all other duties that appertain to his office.
Sec. 61. That it shall be the duty of the Quarter Master of each Cohort to apply for and recieve all arms from the Quarter Master General of the Legion, that are or may become due to their respective Cohorts or Brigades, from <the> Quarter Master General of the Legion, and to give bonds for the same to the Quarter Master General of the Legion, and to do and perform all other duties that in any wise appertain to his office.
Sec. 62. That in <it> <the duty>addition tothe Adjutants shall be the duty of the Adjutants of Regiments to deliver all <Regimental> orders, also to record all orders recieved or issued by their respective commanding officers, also all annual returns recieved by them and the date of each officers commission belonging to their Regiments, noting all resignations, removals, or deaths of any officer in an order book kept for that purpose, also to make out, under the dir[e]ction of the commanding officer, Regimental returns and rank rolls, also to attend all elections, ordered by their respective commanders, as clerk of the same, to form the Regiment at all Regimental, Cohort and Legion parades and immediately thereafter inform the commanding officer that the parade is ready, also to call the roll of all the field and staff officers at all such parades under the inspection of the commanding officer and note all delinquents, and to do and perform such other duties as may be required of them by their superior officers. [p. 63]